A faith

They all entered in the caves . " I can't see anything , it's completely dark . " said Danny .

Sazana teased him -" But you just said this place is familiar to you , you can help us , so I thought the troubles is only for me . "

" Instead of taunting him , it would be better if you search way to get lights in this dark . " angrily said Omi .

Danny said to Sazana -" I think she is still angry with you for that argument ."

Sazana said -" Do your work . "

They were putting steps very cautiously because they couldn't see anything in the dark . After a while , they all get confused as there were three ways .

Danny said -" I think we all have to do rock paper scissor and decide the root . "

Sazana replied -" Wow ! we came this far just to play your stupid game . "

Omi said -" I have an idea . "

Danny quickly told -" I got your idea , you want to play tic tac toe instead of stone paper scissor , right ? "

Sazana said to Omi -" Your friend is literally gone mad . "

Omi ignored Sazana and said to Danny -" No Danny , I am not talking about any game . I was saying we have to split out . After searching for one hour we all meet again here , got it ? "

Danny said -" Ok , I am going this way , bye bye . "

Thereafter , Omi was also going but Sazana stopped her . Omi asked -" Outside the cave you are ignoring me and now when I am doing the same with you , why are you getting irritate ? "

Sazana explained her -" Listen Omi , I know you like me but the thing is you don't know about me and my past . So , please don't take any decision after which you have to do regret in future . "

Omi -" I know you Sazana , you are my Uncle Joe's son and you are a white Wizard and I don't think that apart from this thing there is something left that you can tell me . "

Sazana -" That's the reason I always worried about you . You always believe everyone so easily , you think all are your friends . You have to be prepared for everything , if someone say that he is your friend then don't believe him untill you get any proof of his loyalty . You know what Omi , there are many secrets you don't about me . "

Omi said -" So tell me Sazana , what is your truth ? Who are you ? What you want from me ? "

Sazana -" When you get your full powers then I will go on a journey to find my true identity . "

Omi questioned -" Your true identity ? What does that means ? You know your identity , you are the son of Uncle Joe . "

Sazana said -" No Omi , when I was going in human world my mother told me that she is not my real mother , my father took me from somewhere . He never told my mother from where he got me . "

Omi said -" But when you are in the human world why didn't you ask him ? "

Sazana -" One day you are not at home , I told them my identity and I also asked him about my birth but he refused to give answer . After forcing him , at last I gave him you swear then he told that he got me from a Wizard who was about to die . I asked him about the place and he told me that far away from White Wizard kingdom there is a jungle and at that jungle that Wizard gave me to him . He tried to asked that Wizard but he died . "

Omi asked -" But why didn't you said me this before ? "

Sazana -" Because I didn't wanted to distract you and the reason I said you this now just because I didn't want that you think I don't care for you ......... Please Omi , first I will know who I am and then only I will think about something else . "

Omi said -" Don't worry Sazana , I am with you and I am sure you will find your true identity . Trust me ."

Sazana thanked her and then they both separated to find the way .