Sazana is right or wrong ?

On the way , Danny saw nothing but dark . He continued going in the caves .

On the other hand , Sazana stuck in the illusion where he could only able to see water everywhere and because he had no powers , he was fearing more .

On the way , Omi was going , had no illusions and dark . She was following the spark of light which was giving her direction . By following that light , Omi entered in the place where priest was doing his austerity .

When she saw the priest she unknowingly going to woke him up from his meditation . She was going to touch but Sazana arrived at the right time and pull her back .

Going some steps backward , Omi shouted but immediately Sazana close her mouth with his hands . And said her ( in a low voice ) -" What are you doing ? You don't know Omi , waking up a priest from his austerity is a sin . If you touched him in that condition then he can give you a curse . "

Omi said ( with a low voice ) -" Ok , I understood all this but my question is 'what are you doing here ? ' As far as I know you had choose a different path then how could you manage to come here and save me ? "

Sazana answered -" Yes , I was on a different path , at that path I was confused what to do because I could only saw water everywhere , then I kept myself cool and closed the eyes and believed that this all is only a illusion . When I opened my eyes I found a clear way and by following it I came here . "

Omi was confused and she asked -" But , how do you know that by closing eyes and by keeping yourself cool , you would able to find the way ? "

Sazana explained -" Omi , I had not closed eyes so that the illusion could disappear I just want myself to keep calm so that I could think of a another plan . But it was a miracle that I believe in myself and the water illusion gone away . This is the power of self control . A person who only has eyes can see what is happening in front of him but the person who has mind can see what is happening in the world , remember this ."

Omi asked -" Ok , I will remember your words but what we do now ? "

Sazana said -" First , we have to find Danny and inform him that we find the priest , I am sure he will be in danger , you stay here I'll be right back . "

Omi stopped him -" No , you stay here I'll go and search Danny afterall I also want to prove that I can control my mind. "

Sazana smiled at her words .

She left to find Danny . Sazana was standing there and staring priest . He was thinking how to wake up them from their austerity . He went near to the priest .

The priest's beards were so long and that's why Sazana not clearly saw his face but Sazana felt that he saw that priest portrait somewhere still he couldn't recognise his face .

On the other side , Omi was searching Danny even so because of dark she lost the way , She shouted his name yet couldn't get any response .

After a while , Sazana saw some handwritten on the walls of cave . It was written in the earlier language which was used in the past . In today's wizard World only few people were knowing about that language and Sazana was one of them . He read it and understood the identity of that priest . After that he did what was written on that wall .

He break down the austerity of the priest . That priest opened his eyes after thousands of years and saw Sazana in front of him .