Sazana is gone ?

After searching for hours , Omi find Danny fainted . She woke up him and asked him what happened with him .

He answered -" In the dark I couldn't see anything and my head hits the wall and I fell on ground . By the way , where is Sazana ? "

Omi said -" We found thr priest and Sazana is with him , comeon let's go . "

From the dark to the light , they manage somehow to go where the Priest and Sazana was . They arrived there and get the big shock because the priest was seating and his eyes were opened .

Omi asked -" You were in the austerity , right ? Then who broke your austerity ? "

Priest said -" I can read your mind , you came here to know about something . Tell me , I know each and everything from the beginning of this Wizard World till now . "

Omi again repeated her question but the priest was not giving answer .

Danny asked Omi -" Where is Sazana ? " Omi requested priest to inform them about Sazana .

Finally , priest said -" He is gone . "

Omi asked -" What do you mean ? Where did he go ? "

Priest said -" He unknowingly woke me up and in anger I cursed him that his body and soul will burn in hell untill someone remove him from there . "

Omi was in a big shocked . Danny asked -" How can we get him back ? "

Priest said -" I didn't curse Sazana , after thousands of years when my eyes opened it was written that no matter who will wake me up but if someone did that then he will be cursed by me.................but there is way to get him back . "

Omi eagerly asked -" What's the way ? Tell me , I'll do it . "

Priest -" I think Omi , you have to focus on the other thing . Sazana risk his life for this Wizard World and for you . I know everything about this World , before I tell you what's the way to get Sazana back , you have to ask me your question for which you came here . "

Omi said -" You mean Sazana accepted the curse only because he wanted me to get my full powers ? "

Priest -" Yes ."

Omi shattered and became speechless .

She reminds Sazana words , he had said her before -" No one is going to live with you forever so don't be too dependent on anyone not me also . "

Omi handled her tears and asked questions to Priest and tell them the whole things in detail .

After hearing her problem , Priest said -" If you want your full power then you have to take permission of both the First Dark and White Wizards King . Only after that , you will get your powers . If your mother was alive then it would possible that she could unlock you seal but as you said me , after your birth your mother was dead then this is the only way ."

Omi questioned -" But , how would I know where are the First Dark and White Wizards Kings are ? "

Priest -" Dark Wizards temple is in the Valley of Hell and as per I know the Dark Wizards will never give you permission to unlock your seal and without his permission your powers will remain incomplete . "

Danny asked - " What about the First White Wizard King ? He will surely allow Omi , right ? "

Priest -" Yes and for the permission you don't need to go anywhere ."

Omi -" Why ? "

Priest -" Because..................( suddenly Priest change her looks and outfit ) I am the First White Wizard King . "