Destruction of the Happy World

Story continued -" By listening Emperor Akando's words , people refused for the new World . Mathews understood that his biggest obstacle was Emperor . He decided to remove that obstacle . One day Mathews , gathered all the people and informed that only the most powerful man deserves to be a leader of all of us .

Someone answered from the crowd -" Yes , you are correct and our Great Emperor Akando is the the powerful one among us , that's why he is our leader . "

Mathews uttered -" How do you know he is the best ? Emperor Akando was the best but in present I am the strongest and Emperor Akando is weak . "

All the crowd started shouting as they didn't allow someone to say anything bad about their Emperor .

Mathews -" If I am wrong then your Emperor has to do battle with me . "

As the Emperor Akando arrived , all the people became silent . He warned Mathews that he should not spread the rumours of Wizard World as this could cause chaos .

" Ok , I will stop doing all this but......before that you have to do a hand to hand combat with me , if you won I will become your servant for lifetime and if I won........ ."

" Then I will accept your all conditions ." Mathews plan was something else ( In the battle I'll make sure he will die otherwise if I let him alive , his followers never accept me as their God and my dream of a Wizard World will never accomplish )

I and Dexter were loyal to the Emperor Akando . Dexter wanted Emperor to win the battle because he was also disagreed with the formation of the new World . At that time I didn't understand who was right or who was wrong . So , I just hoped that the worthy win the combat .

After a while , fight started . In the beginning , Emperor was giving smashing reply of each and every shot . Because of the austerity of the many years the physical power of Mathews was ten times more then Emperor .

Mathews started doing fast attack on them and he couldn't answer his attack at once . Dexter couldn't control himself and jumped in the battle and started beating Mathews , Emperor stopped him - " It's my fight , you stay back , I'll fight till last breathe . "

Dexter putted his step back . Mathews saw Dexter's loyalty towards Emperor .

Emperor couldn't stand for long time in front of the Mathews and died in the battlefield . When his body fell on the ground , all the people started shouting and throwing stones on Mathews . He backed off for some times . After Emperor's death , One day he called me and Dexter .

After Emperor we both the only one with whom the people had expections . He gave us offer that they will give us Wizard powers and in return we have to convinced the people that he is our God .

He warned us , if we dared to say no then he killed us . Rather then bending down knees in front of him we decided to fight and die . But then I thought after our death , what about our people who think that we will help them .

After thinking for a night , we decided a way . We accepted the offer of Mathews . We putted a condition in front of him that after giving us powers , he surely remains superior and powerful than us but he has to give us all the authority of running this World with our condition , he will never interfere in the matters of the Wizard World . Mathews accepted our conditions . And as per the contract we convinced all the people .

When all the people agreed , God gave Mathews powers . After that Mathews became Lord Mathews for us . He made me the King of White Wizard's and Dexter's Black Wizard . He distributed his powers in people as Black and White Wizards . At the time of giving the authority , he gave me more responsibility than Dexter .

And the reason behind the inequality was not bad or good but Lord Mathews had grudge for Dexter because at the time of combat with Emperor Akando , he beated him . Dexter was unhappy with the decision and opposed , but Lord Mathews didn't listen him .

After Dexter's exit , I also stand against the decision but he ordered me not to talk on this matter again . Because of the injustice , Black wizards started doing hatred with White Wizards . Slowly slowly they started fighting and then we all became each other's rival . I tried everytime to make understood Dexter about my helplessness but because of his anger he always misunderstood my words .

His grudge for the White Wizards reached extreme . So , I had no any other options except to kill him . So , I had to killed him for my community's protection .

At the time of death , he gave curse to all the White Wizards that his hundredth descendant will destroy all the White Wizards . "