Sazana's sacrifice

" So , that was the reason behind the enmity of Dark and Wizards . " Danny uttered .

He added -" But why Sazana did the sacrifice ? " Omi also asked the same question to Axe. " Why he sacrifices his own life ? "

Axe -" Because......... it was the only way to save the world . "

" What ? ........What are you talking ? Zora is gone . Then of what danger he was worried about ? " Omi questioned .

" My eyes were closed but I could see all the untoward of this World . And I can sense , the destruction is not started yet . Remember my words Omi , you have to be prepare . "

Danny was still confused . He asked -" How Sazana came to know about the problem which is going to happen in future ? "

Omi was looking at the walls of the caves . There was something written on it . She questioned Axe . " What is it ? "

" When I got the powers of the White Wizard , at that time I also got the powers to see the future . After my time completed in the Wizard World , I decided to stay here . At that time , I was worried about the curse of Dexter . So in curiosity , I saw the future..........."

She asked -" And What is in the future ? " " A complete destruction !!!!! The hundredth descendant of Dexter , make this Wizard World a burning hell . I was stunned to saw that view however at the same time I couldn't do anything for that . I wrote it on the walls of this caves before going in the austerity . Your friend Sazana , must be know the ancient language and that is why , to stopped that devil , he sacrifice himself . he was knowing only I could stand in front of that devil as you are not be able to unlock your seal because First Dark Wizard King never give you permission . "

Danny -" You will come with us ? "

" I will come out with this of caves at the right time . You just go and find a way to protect all the people from the devil . "

" He is dead ! How would it possible that a dead person alive again ? " asked Omi .

" Omi , Zora is not dead . When you attacked him , his body couldn't able to control your attack and he gone in the deep sleep . But he will come again for the sake of revenge . "

Omi said -" After reading the language of walls , Sazana understood that if I fail then you are the only one who defeat Zora . "

" No.......I could only make him weak for sometimes but I couldn't able defeat him . "

Danny -" Why ? If Zora have First Dark Wizard King's powers then you are the one who defeated Dexter thousands of years ago . "

" I am here for the thousands of years , when I came here I decided to gave up my powers . So the powers which I had thousands of years ago are not with me . "

" If you are unable to defeat him then who will stop him ? " questioned Danny . " I don't know how , but I will stop him like before . I know this time my powers would nothing in front of him still I will protect my innocent people , I won't let him destroy this life . "

She ask last question to Axe in a deep voice -" I know after death no one come back again still I want to ask you , there must be a way to get back Sazana from the hell ? "

" Yes , Lord Mathews has the same powers as God , he is the only one who can make this impossible thing possible . "

" Okay , I will find a way to communicate with Lord Mathews , I know it is next to impossible then to I will take back Sazana from the hell . "