A new team

After the meeting with the Axe , First White Wizard King , they both went back to palace . When they entered in the palace , King Nozel was happy to see them safe .

He hugged Omi and after the three day . His eyes filled with the tears as finally the Coronation Ceremony would going to happen of his granddaughter .

He praised Danny for his bravery , then he asked -" Where is Sazana ? I want to congratulate him too . "

He saw the tension and sadness on both the faces . Omi uttered -" I want to talk to you something very important grandfather . "

" Ok , come with me . "

Danny and Omi went in the room of King Nozel and informed him everything . He asked -" What you have a decided Omi ? What next ? "

" First of all , We have to cancel the Coronation Ceremony and to make a plan before the arrival of Zora and his team . "

Danny -" What about Samantha ? Omi , you said me that she gone to keep eye on Cyrus and Amiha ? Where is she now ? Do you have any idea ? "

King Nozel answered -" Don't worry , yesterday I got the message of Samantha that She is coming back with a big information , just wait for a while . " " Ok , so Danny , When Samantha come , you have to tell her that she has to gather her all loyal subordinates and meet me . "

" Ok Omi , you can count on me . " " Grandfather , you have to also gather your loyal subordinates and then meet me . I have to make a plan . "

" Ofcourse my child , I will . "

Omi was aware that she could not defeat Zora with her powers however she decided another way . When she was getting out of the cave , Axe said her that if more than twenty White Wizards make a powerful barrier then it was not possible for Zora to break it for sometimes .

She questioned -" But what after that ? You don't have any solution for the permanent barrier so that I could safely take people there , without being afraid of Zora . "

Axe gave Omi a temporary power which she could only able to use once . From that powers Omi could only made a strong barrier or to use it against Zora to stop him for atleast an hour .

In the evening Samantha came with the a shocking information , Danny gave her the message of Omi and she did as per that . After the couple of hours , they all gathered .

Omi -" Samantha , what's the information ? " " Princess , Cyrus and Amiha resurrect Zora . I saw him alive . And the second news is ........."

" Tell me Samantha , Why you suddenly become silent ? " " Princess , I know Sazana is gone and he has given sacrifice for the Wizard World , but ......"

Omi made her comfortable . " Without any hesitation , please tell us clearly everything . "

" Princess , Sazana's brother Barak is also involved with the team of Zora . Infact , he was the one who instigate Cyrus and Amiha that if they all gathered then they can destroy us . "

King Nozel bursted into the anger . " On one side , his Elder brother has given his life to save this World and on the other side , his younger brother is doing conspiracy to destroy this World . "

Danny added -" Literally , I can't believe that Sazana's brother will do like this . "

" Let's forget about all this . We will do fight , no matter who will stand against us . Now listen Samantha . "

" Yes , Princess . " " How many powerful subordinates you have ? "

" Six , Princess . "

" Grandfather , what about your subordinates ? "

" Child , I have Eight Subordinates which are loyal to me as well as very powerful . "

" Good , now we will divide in three teams . "

" First team , will look after the people and take them into the barrier which I will make . The Second team will look after the each and every suspicious thing in both White and Dark Wizard Kingdom . And the third team will go into the search of the way from which we could communicate with Lord Mathews because I will take back Sazana , no matter what . "

" Omi , I have two questions . "

" Go ahead , Danny . "

" First question , Axe has given you powers so that you can stop Zora and you are giving that power to make barrier ? Second question , What is my work in your plan ? "