Team up !

Omi answered to Danny -" Listen , Axe had just given me powers and said me to chose between the option and from that I'll decide at which place I have to use it . As per the situation , I thought using this powers against Zora , will only a waste of time because , I could only able to stop him for an hour but if I used this power for making barriers then Zora wouldn't able to break it . "

" And my second question's answer ? "

" Danny.... you have to tell me in which team you want to go . "

He questioned -" Ok , but first tell me who are the three leaders for the this three teams ? "

" Samantha will be the leader of the first team , and will secure the people of the kingdom inside the barrier . "

Samantha questioned her decision . " Princess , you just said that the barrier is unbreakable , so what's my need inside the barrier . I am a warrior , my place is in the battle field . "

" I know Samantha , but we can't underestimate Zora . Afterall we don't know his strategies . And Samantha , as a warrior you better know about that , never ever underestimate your enemies . So , we have to be prepare for each and every happening . On the other side , keeping our people safe , is our biggest responsibility , and for that responsibility , you are the perfect candidate , understood . "

" Omi , the way you are explaining Samantha everything , is amazing , and if I am not wrong , Sazana taught you all this , right or not ? " Danny asked .

" You are absolutely correct , he taught me about the battlefield strategies . And I promise you all , he will come back soon . "

She added -" But before that , we have to be ready for the big fight . So..... the second team will lead by the grandfather , and he will look after both the kingdoms . And I will be the leader of third team , we will go in the search of the way to communicate Lord Mathews . "

One of the subordinates of Samantha , interrupted Omi -" You don't think so Princess , your need is more in the battlefield.....( All were looking at him ) I know finding your mentor Sazana is very important but at the same time , we all know that if Evil Zora arrived then you are the only one who can atleast stand in front of him . No matter how powerful we are , our powers are useless in front of your step brother........ahhh , I mean to say , Zora . If you will not be present here , then he will play with all of us like a puppet , I hope you are understanding my words . "

Samantha shouted on him -" How you even dare to say a word infront of the Princess ! "

Omi camled her . " Listen , young man , can you please tell me , what's your name ? "

" My name is Rayen , I am newly appointed and by seeing my bravery and loyalty , General Samantha involved me in her team. But I don't understand one thing , for the first time for my courage , she admitted me in her team and now when I dare to say my opinion , she ordering me keep quiet , I don't understand this . "

Samantha angrily -" Because , she is a Princess and we are servants , understood . "

Omi disagreed with Samantha . " No , it's not true , we all are equal . And Rayen , I think your suggestion is right . My need is more in the battlefield . I have to think of the another plan for the Sazana . "

She added further -" Rayen , literally you are very courageous and confident person . Always be like this . "

" Sure , Princess . "

" By the way , you are looking of my age , and at the same time , like me you also don't believe in the superiority , so from now call me Omi , ok . "

" Ok Princess ...I mean , Omi . "

After all this , Danny decided to be with Samantha as she was a short tempered and kingdom's people were not safe under her monitoring . After that , Danny informed the people of the kingdom about the war and also made them comfortable .

Omi making the further strategies of battle in her room . But her mind was again and again thinking about the Sazana . She tried to focus but couldn't control her emotions .

Rayen was coming with the final plan of his team to Omi . He saw her tensed and worried . " My mother used to told me , worrying only takes today's happiness and distract us from our path ."

" Reyan you , What happened ? Any report of the people ? "

" Yes Omi , Danny convinced all the people to keep calm and just do as per the instructions of Samantha . And my team has think of all the possible happenings and make a proper plan according to that . "

He added -" By the way Omi , if you don't mind can you allow me to give you a suggestion again ? "

" Ofcourse . "

" As per my opinion , you have to be here with the team of King Nozel and allow me to go with search team . I promise you , I won't disappoint you and others. "

" No , Rayen , you are newly admitted in the team . And this mission is very dangerous , I can't allow you . "

" Omi , my ancestors used to do the slavery of the King , we never get the respect and the voice to speak for our rights . From the childhood , I used to see all this things in front of my eyes . At that day I decided to do more and more practice and will become a warrior . After doing uncountable efforts and struggle , I am able to prove myself and General chose me. Today when I spoke , you not only support me but you also did my appreciation for my courage , which I never get before . So , I want to prove that I can do more better things , please give me a chance , I will find a way to communicate with Lord Mathews . "

" You are truely a warrior Rayen . Then to , I can't send you on a such dangerous mission . "

" I think , I have no option left except to tell you the truth . "

" Which truth ? "

" Twenty years ago , when I was born , I am different from other children . When I turned fourteen , I realised that I am not a wizard , my powers and abilities are unknown to me so I decided to become a warrior . "

" One minute , if you are not a Wizard then you must be from the human world . "

" No , I checked each and every possibility of that thing also but I am still unknown to my identity . "

" So , for that reason I want to go on this mission , probably I know something about myself , please Omi believe me I won't come back without Sazana . "

" Ok , let me think on it , I will tell my decision later . "

" Thanks a lot Omi . "