Zora's overconfidence

Oliver took Danny and Samantha to their secret base . In that base , there were hundred of saviors who were doing practice to increase their efficiency .

They both were surprised to see the arrangements . Oliver introduced Danny and Samantha . After doing meeting to all , they went to meet the chief of saviors .

" Samantha , meet my chief , Blade . On his command we do everything . "

" Chief , meet......"

" You don't need to introduce them Oliver , I know who they are . "

Samantha asked -" How do you know us ? "

" Samantha , I have all the information about each and every people of the earth , after all , I am the head of all the saviors. Nice to meet you . "

Danny was looking carefully the arrangements as he thought ,there was something which was giving him a strange feeling . Blade noticed him and asked -" What happened Danny ? What are you looking ? "

" Nothing , I am fine . "

Blade welcomed Danny and Samantha with the open arms and told them not worry about anything as he know for which work they came on earth . From his talks , Samantha found him suspicious , as he was knowing about them more than enough . On the other side , Sazana arrived in the Dark Wizard Kingdom and met to King Nozel .

King Nozel was happy to see Sazana as he also got the information that Sazana was in the prison of Zora .

" Sazana , how did you escape from there ? "

" I will tell you everything , but first tell me where is Omi ? "

" She is gone to meet First White Wizard King ."

" And what about Danny and Samantha ? "

" They both are in a Human World . "

Sazana wait for Omi as he wanted to informed very important thing to her .

After killing First White Wizard , Zora came back and gave Amiha the news of his victory . Amiha was looking tensed .

Zora asked -" What's the matter Amiha ? You are not looking happy . I said we won the battle because I kill First White Wizard ! "

Amiha was still looking downward , Zora questioned Cyrus . " Cyrus , Why you both are silent ? Tell me , what happened ? "

" My Lord , Sazana escaped . " Zora first looked carefully at both of them and then suddenly started laughing . "

Cyrus came near to Amiha and murmured -" I thought , he is gone mad ! "

" Shut up Cyrus ! "

" My Lord , If you don't mind , could I ask you one question ? "

" Ofcourse ."

" We have given you a shocking news that Sazana escaped and you are laughing ? "

" Because Amiha , now I don't care about Omi . She can't even touch me . I have destroyed the last hope of Omi . She is useless in front of me . I don't care about Sazana now ,let them do whatever they want , in the end I will win this game because this is the destiny . "

In the Human World , Zora had a secret friend who informed him about Danny and Samantha . From that friend , he got the information that there was a stone in Human World which belongs to Wizard World . And there is a possibility that , this Stone could beat Zora's powers and for that reason Zora went to the Human World to get that stone with Amiha and Cyrus .

Cyrus was playing for both the teams , means he was helping Barak as well as Zora . Because he believed that no matter how strong Zora was , but his gut feeling was saying that Barak was planning something very big that's why he gave all the information to Barak which the sources of Zora given to him .

On one hand all were going in Human World for the sake of the stone and on the other hand , Omi backed to Dark Wizard King , and informed King Nozel about the death of Axe . In this tension , King Nozel forget to reveal Omi that Sazana was back and was taking rest in his room because he had serious injuries .

Omi was going towards her room but when he was going from the side Sazana's room , she heard a voice , entered in the room and saw Sazana .

She was not believing on her eyes . She uttered ( with tears in the eyes ) -" Sazana..........you are literally here or I am day dreaming ? "

" Oooh , so you see me in your dreams !!!!!! ( Sazana gave her a little smile ) "

Omi slowly slowly moving towards Sazana . Sazana also get up from the bed , his condition was not good when he leave the support of the bed , his legs started shaking and he fell ; all of a sudden Omi hold him in her arms . She hugged her tightly and murmured in his ears . " You don't know Sazana how much I miss you. I was feeling helpless without you . You are always being strength , please promise me , you'll not leave me again . "

Sazana whispered -" I can understand Omi , but for now can you please hold me lightly , I am in pain and you have hug me so tightly that I am feeling suffocation . "

Omi immediately free him , and said sorry and carefully putted his hand on her shoulder and walked slowly towards the bed . She told Sazana to take rest and not to worry about anything . Sazana didn't let her go , and hold her hand .

" You will not ask me , how I escaped from Zora's prison ? "

" I will , but for now , you don't need to take any stress . Take care . "

Omi took leave .