Where is Zora ?

Sazana heard the planning of Zora to kill First White Wizard King when he was in the prison . And the most important stuff was , that Zora absorbed Sazana's powers and that's why he had very less powers remaining .

Omi was in her room and conversing with her grandfather to overcome this situation as First White Wizard is dead and without them Zora will easily going to destroy both the Worlds . Sazana arrived in the room .

Omi asked Sazana -" Sazana you are okay . When I came to your room you were not able to stand without the help and but now....... you are looking absolutely fine ! "

" Omi , I also don't know what is happening with me . My scars and injuries are healing very fastly . I am not getting the changes occurring in my body all of a sudden...........! By the way Omi , I know on which topic , you all are conversing , actually I escaped from Zora's prison just to inform you on time that Zora is doing conspiracy against First White Wizard King but I think I am late . Zora had did what he wanted to . "

King Nozel said (in a sad tone ) -" Yes Sazana , he has not only kill First White Wizard but also the hope of Wizard World . "

Sazana answered to the King - " No My Lord , our last hope is still alive . "

Everyone in the hall looked at the Sazana . He moved towards Omi and proudly uttered -" Our last hope is still alive . And that hope is your , Princess Ominata . ( Omi was gazing at him as the confident and pride which Sazana was showing towards her , he never shown before . ) Come on Omi , you are trained for it and you can do it . No matter how much power Zora is...... We all have one power and that is unity . We will fall..........but for rising . Till our last breathe , we will fight for the people who have faith on us , understood . "

Sazana was explaining Omi by looking into her eyes . Foremost , when she was listening his instruction it was more looking like a punishment but now it was a blessing for Omi to get a support and courage from Sazana .

She hold the hand of Sazana , and promise in front of all , she will die but will never give up infront of devil's . With the advent of Sazana , all the things back to normal for Omi . She immediately ordered the soldiers to get the information of Danny and Samantha .

After that , Sazana back to his work and was giving soldier wizard's training so that they could prepared them against the Zora . Six days passed away , but they were shocked that after killing Axe , why Zora is still quite ? What he actually wanted to do ?

On the other side , they were not getting any information of Danny and Samantha from the Human World . They all were concerned about Danny and Samantha . From the sources , Omi came to know that , Zora was not in the Wizard World from many days .

Omi decided to go in the Human World to find them . Sazana stopped her and uttered -" I am coming with you . "

" No Sazana , we don't know what Zora is planning , as you said we can't afford any mistake on this stage . I am going to find Samantha and Danny and you stay here and look after the kingdom . I will be back soon . "

Omi arrived in the Human World . She first visit her old house , which was almost burned-out . She interrogated with neighbours about the Danny . As they all were knowing him . They all were saying the same thing , After the incident with her uncle , Danny never came here .

Omi had a ring of Danny as she liked the design , Danny gave it to her . From that ring , Omi tried to sense the aura of Danny . She failed many times as this was new for her but after trying number of times , she finally got the roughly idea of his location .

She immediately headed towards that place but unaware of the danger which was waiting for her .