Trust issue !

When Omi arrived at the place , it was looking like that people stopped living their years ago , all the houses and shops were destroyed .

She moved ahead towards the big industrial area which was closed . The gate was locked of the industries , She broke the lock and entered in the industrial area . From her senses , She searched Whole area , and found that , Danny and Samantha were in a near by building .

She searched each and every building in the close distance and after finding for an hour she finally heard the voice of Samantha .

When Samantha saw Omi coming towards her , she screamed -" Don't come here Princess , it's a trap . Go back............ "

Omi didn't see anyone there and she moved towards Samantha . Samantha was continuously shouting not to come near her but Omi calming her down by saying - " Don't worry Samantha , there's no one . "

" Princess , they all are here ! please go back . "

Finally , Omi reached there . Omi shouted -" Come out Zora , I know you are here . "

Zora came out and clapped on the foolishness of Omi . " I never seen a dumb like you . You were knowing I am here , still you dare to come here . "

" When my soldiers informed me , Danny and Samantha were missing from that time I understood that you are involve in this . But , the only thing I don't understand why you did all this ? How do you kill First White Wizard ? Why do you need to kidnap Samantha and Danny ? "

" I am literally speaking Omi , I don't know how did First White Wizard die ! And the second thing , I kidnap your friends to trap you and then kill you . "

" Don't fool me Zora . If your intention is just to kill me then you can do it in the Wizard World too . I think , you kidnap Samantha and Danny because they get something which could defeat your powers and that is why you stopped them to get that thing , am I right ? "

From the back someone hited Omi and she fell on the ground . When she turned back , it was Barak .

" Surprise surprise surprise ! "

" Barak ? You said , you are against Zora ! "

" Yes Omi , I still against him but to kill your whole team and Human World saviors , we come together . "

Omi kicked Barak , and threw him far away . Omi uttered -" I was correct . You all came in Human World with a motive . "

Samantha said to Omi -" Princess , there all want a power stone which belongs to Wizard World . This Stone has power equal to both First White and Dark Wizard King . After the death of First White Wizard King they all thought that now you can't defeat them but when they knew about the stone they all get afraid if you get that power stone before them then you can able to defeat both of the bastards . "

Zora punched Samantha -" Shut up you moron . "

Omi looked all around but Danny was not there . " Zora , where is Danny ? "

" Ohh , that second moron ! It is surprise for you Omi , have patience . "

Danny shouted her name -" Omi..........."

Omi looked up . " Danny ! "

She looked downward and the third unknown enemy arrived . " Who are you ? What you did to Danny ? "

Samantha whispered -" Princess , he is the Boss of Human World Saviors , Blade . He betrayed his team and joined hands with Barak and Zora for the sake of power stone . "

" What ? How could you do that ? You are one of the Savior of Human World . "

Blade answered -" I was thinking the same before meeting Barak and your step brother.............oh sorry , I mean to say Zora . They explain me , saving the world will not give me anything but if I join hands with them then , after killing all Saviors and you , they will share the stone's powers with me and I will become the God of this World............. Forget about all this , tell me first , where is your so called Savior Sazana ? I heard that he always protect you from the enemies ? "

Barak warned -" We are three and you are only one . How will you going to defeat us ? "

Zora said to Barak -" No no , I won't do anything . If I used my powers then she won't get chance to feel pain which I felt because of her . So , I will be seat here and enjoy your fighting scene . "

Barak and Blade attacked on Omi at a time . For the start , she only dodged from their attack . After noticing their all moves and spells , she attacked on both of them and gave them a tough fight .

When Zora fade up seeing all this , he entered in the battle field . He was going attacked on Omi . Samantha came in between . Give him a challenge to defeat her first . Samantha's condition was already very bad because they all tortured her before.........but still as a warrior , her duty is to fight untill her last breathe .

Zora uttered - " Getaway . Otherwise this time I will going beat you to the death . "

" Let see , who will defeat whom . "

Samantha gave a good competition to Zora but for only few minutes . Zora used his last spell which could kill her . Omi came in between and from the sword diverted that spell towards Barak .

That spell was so powerful that Barak fell on the ground and died on the spot .

Instead of showing sympathy for Barak , Zora and Blade mocked on his death .

Zora -" What an idiot ? "

Blade -" It's good , now only two worthies are left for the power stone . "