I am the young lady

"I'm so sorry, Mai. They're so keen on buying the shop. I don't really know what would happen to us if we keep refusing like this."


"Let's just give in to what they want, okay? We can always start anew."

I was hearing the sweet voice of my mother. 

What's this anxiety that kept lurking in my stomach? I think I'm forgetting something somehow. No, it's probably nothing. Let's just keep sleeping. Still, something was bugging me- No! What the heck

There really is a problem! I woke up again. And this time the maid was still in my room. The doctor, the butler and the scary man were gone.

"Ah, young lady. You are awake."

Stay calm. I have to remember what happened to me before I came into this bloody mess. I rose into a sitting position and ignored the maid who had worry written all over her face.

A scene flashed in my mind. I was tending to the flowers in the shop. I'm allergic to flowers but I wasn't wearing the usual protective equipment. No, I didn't wear one because he cut all of it into pieces. Still, I was careful not to touch the flowers.

Ah, that idiotic brother of mine pushed me playfully and I fell into the flower bed. Had an allergy attack, suffocated and died on the spot because of this goddamn allergy. He knew I was allergic to flowers but still pushed me. That son of a bitch probably meant to do it. Hope you're satisfied now that your stepsister's dead.

"Uhm, how are you feeling, miss? The physician said that you fainted yesterday because you overworked your body when you only just woke up."

Now, how was I going to go through this hell? I should manage this situation as calm as I can. I'll be living as this "Calla" now, so the past should be the lesser problem. First thing's first, I have to start to get to know the owner of this body.

"Who are you?"

The maid flinched and looked at me with shock.

"Oh my, miss! I'm your personal maid, Anette! I have been with you since you were three years of age. Do... do you not remember me?"

Okay, let's keep up this act. "No, I don't know you. Where am I? Also, who am I?"

With that, the maid's jaw fell as she gasped in horror.

"W-w-what? Could it be? Did the young lady lose her memories from the fall?! Oh no!"

"Yes, it seems like it. My mind is nothing but emptiness right now. Whatever should I do?" I sighed and made a frown to look pitiful. My acting skills were shitty, but I'll have to get by. 

"Goddess, help! Please wait as I will call the physician and have him examine the young lady."

The maid ran frantically, looking like she was being chased by a stampede.

A minute later and the doctor arrived with the panicking maid.

"Hmmm. I did not see a severe damage as I thoroughly checked the head of the young lady. But it really appears like she has lost her memories judging from the behavior she's showing."

My brows met. "So... what now?"

"For now, you must rest and recover your energy. Abstain from doing excessive work. The young lady must not stress herself. In the meantime, I will look for a wizard who is capable of memory restoration magic."

Wizard? And memory what? Is this doctor an otaku by any chance? Or is he just crazy?

I crossed my arms. "Wizards don't exist you know. Please take this matter seriously."

I looked at the doctor with a stern face. He looked quite appalled. The maid also looked like she didn't know what to say. My eyes shifted to her but she avoided her gaze as fast as the speed of light. What, don't tell me that they really do exist? But I've transmigrated into another body, I shouldn't rule out the possibility that wizards exist in this world.

A long moment of silence occurred. So, these wizards, they really did exist? The maid spoke to break the tension, it seemed.

"U-uhm! Thank you physician, you may leave now. I am sorry for calling you when you were busy."

"Oh, it is not a problem. The young lady's well-being always comes first. Well then, I shall take my leave. Leave it to me to announce the situation of the young lady to the duke."

So there's a duke in this world also? What's next? Kings and queens? Dragons? Hah! I must be the one going mad.

When the maid came back after escorting the doctor to the door, she then asked me a strange question.

"Young miss, you've really lost your memories, haven't you? This is not one of your pranks, right?"

What was she saying? Was the beautiful owner of this body the type to play pranks on people?

"How dare you doubt me? I am being perfectly honest right now. I can't remember anything. I don't even know that scary man who yelled at me."

Shocked at my words, the maid immediately bowed down and asked for forgiveness.

"I am so sorry! Please forgive me, I have stepped out of the line! I am truly sorry, young lady!"

She bowed, and I felt uneasy. 

"R-raise your head." I stammered. 

"Yes? Thank you young lady!"

Time for some questions.

"Why does everyone keep calling me 'young lady' anyway?"

"O-oh! That... of course! Young lady Calla is the one and only daughter of the Duke of House Rosa!"

An only child of the duke, huh? I couldn't deny the reality that this world really did follow a caste system. This might take a while of getting used to.

"I see. Then what is the name of my father and mother?"

"The young lady's father is the Duke that governs the East region of the empire of Helianthus, Duke Careem Rosa."

Helianthus—is that not the sunflower's scientific name? But it could be just a coincidence so I shrugged it off. 

"I see. What about my mother?"

"Th-the Duchess Kaia... she died when the young lady was three years old."

Oh, so Calla grew up without a mother.

"But, the duke... has taken quite good care of the young lady until now. He has always made sure to provide the needs of the young lady."

Hmm? I noticed you hesitated there for a second though. 

"Is that so? That's good then."

The maid nodded with a forced smile on her lips.

I tilted my head slightly to the side. "Do tell me more."