In a strange world

The empire Helianthus, ruled by Emperor Andor Helianthus along with his wife, Empress Sunniva Helianthus. The emperor succeeded in uniting the whole continent under his rule, except for the far north and northeast areas—the reason to which the maid did not tell me. Still, he was able to build an indestructible empire, an immeasurable achievement that surpassed a hundred years worth of emperors. The imperial family is in good terms with the temple of Khloris, the goddess they worship in this world.

The people here take their life force from flowers. Flowers in this world, not only produce oxygen as a byproduct but also a magical substance called perithia. When perithia is extracted and mixed with the mana of a person, it turns into a whole new element called aether. They call this process extraction. Basically aether is what makes up this world, just like how the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.

The only ones who are capable of extraction are the people who are the direct descendants of the goddess Khloris. The imperial family and the five ducal houses are the only people who are capable of extracting and spinning perithia since their quality of mana is extremely special.

Learning the history of Helianthus was not at all startling. I have accepted the fact that this world is like the ones I've read in books and comics. The only problem was, like me, Calla was also terribly allergic to flowers. Much, much, much more severe than my allergy. Even when she's five feet near a single petal of a flower, she'll get rashes and will faint if not treated quickly.

How ironic it is to be in a world that takes its life force from flowers and be allergic to them yourself.

That's not the only problem. If she can't even stand five feet near a flower, she won't be able to extract and spin perithia. Not spinning perithia means there will be no aether for the whole Eastern region.

Calla's mother was the original lady of house Rosa and she married the current duke who had the position of a Marquess at that time. She provided the aether for the East but died ten years ago due to a road accident.

In the past, the East was very wealthy because of its rich soil that produced bountiful crops. Mines were also full of rare gems and diamonds. But ever since the duchess died, the East has suffered from droughts and the mines only produced low-quality minerals for the past ten years.

Naturally, as the daughter, Calla was supposed to replace her mother to do the extraction and spinning of perithia. But with her allergies to flowers, poverty and disaster struck the East.

Since then, the skies have always been dark and the vegetation always wilted no matter how carefully you tend to your plants. Of course, Calla was put to blame. Even as a child, the people of the East cursed her and gave her hateful stares. At four, she stopped going out of the mansion and rarely came out of her room.

The duke, who was at a loss for everything that happened, began to neglect Calla. He stuck himself with work and looked for ways to aid the people. As a result, Calla became a naughty child. She'd pick on her food and throw tantrums at about twenty times a day. Her personal maid, Anette, was the only one patient enough to contain her.

Three months had passed since I became Calla. Nothing much happens from staying inside your room everyday. Not that I'm expecting something to happen anyway.

It looks like Anette is fully convinced that Calla has lost her memories. It also turns out that the owner of this body purposely jumped off from the second floor of the mansion as a way of getting attention from her father. She would often do dangerous things to seek attention but always fails miserably in the end.

With that, she eventually died and I came to into her body to replace her, at least that's what I thought of.

Today I have one of those useless lessons they make me take but just like always, when a tutor comes, I feign sickness even though it rarely works. And now is one of those rare moments.

During this three months, I haven't even met the duke. Oh well, that's better for me anyway.

While lying down and reading the History of Magic in this world, a thought suddenly came to mind. That doctor said that he'd find me a wizard who knows memory restoration magic but I also haven't heard from him since then. I guess he didn't find one. Too bad, I was hoping to see Calla's memories in her life though. Still, wouldn't it be too sad?

Lost in thought, I didn't notice that there was someone who kept knocking on the door for a moment now.

"What is it?"

"Young lady, this is Anette. The physician has already found a wizard."

Speaking of the devil.

"Alright, let them come in."

The door gave way to Anette, the doctor and a... boy? A boy wearing a black robe that was too long for his body came inside.

"Young lady Calla, I have found a wizard who is capable of memory restoration."

The doctor was looking at the child and then gave him a nod.

What? Is he serious? That child is a wizard? It even looks like he and Calla is of the same age! Only that Calla is taller.

"Are you kidding me ? Do you honestly believe that that midget is capable of returning my memories?"

The child suddenly looked perplexed, maybe because I called him a midget.

"How dare you doubt the abilities of the greatest wizard in the history of Helianthus, you witch?!"

So that was what he's angry about? Also, who's he calling a witch?

"Excuse me? Who dare calls me-"

"Now, now, great wizard please do not anger the young lady any further. It is best that you proceed with the spell that will be able to help the young lady."

The doctor said in a calm manner.

"Right, prove to me that you're worthy of your title, oh 'great wizard'."

What is this? Where did this child-like behavior of mine coming from? No matter, I was having fun.

As a reply, the midget only gave me a smug smile and rolled his eyes. What's with that attitude?!

And then, he took about ten steps forward in front of me and chanted,

"Memoria restituet."