Son of the West (2)

"Why? What do you want?" I ask him as I take one step backwards. I am ready to run for my life once I deem this situation dangerous. Because — think about it, a flower just withered and died once he touched it, he could be an evil wizard or magician of some sort.

"Seeing your reaction right now, you sure do jump to ridiculous conclusions, Calla." He says as he steps closer to where I am. "Don't worry, I mean no harm."

Once he arrived in front of me, he took my right hand. I flinch at the sudden contact. "A strip of bandage is loose, let me help you fix it."

I look at my arm and found that he was telling the truth. The exposed skin was slowly becoming red with small lumps on it. I failed to notice since I was too dumbstrucked at what I saw.

Come to think of it, the way he held my hand was as gentle as a slight passing of the wind. He also reattached the loose bandage in such a calm manner. It was hard to believe that this was the same guy who killed a flower earlier with just one touch.

"Why did you show me that?" I ask him as he did the finishing touches on the once-loosened strip of bandage.

"Join me for a walk first. Is that not why we came here?" He offers his arm but I refuse it as I'm still not used to this skinship within the nobility.

I walk off first but he does not follow. I turn back to him but he seemed stunned that I left his arm hanging on the air without my hand linked with it.

"What's the matter? Let's go." I say and continue to walk. He seems to have recovered since he has caught up with my steps and is now currently beside me.

"It was only a minute earlier when you felt so scared of me. Now it seems that you've gotten back on your feet." He says as he tucks his hands into his pockets and walks casually — he was not as formal as he was before.

"I was not scared. Anyone would have been shocked to see what you did." I stop and turn to him. "So what was that?"

He only shows me a smile but he proceeds to walk. A couple of steps later and he pauses. He starts to speak but he only remains to look ahead. Right now, I am only staring at the back of his head.

"I was walking around the city when I saw you. There was a commotion so I got curious. Even though I didn't know the young lady's face, I was able to recognize it was you."

What is this? That's completely not the answer I wanted. Still, I allow him to continue.

"I was about to help you but that little wizard appeared, so don't get me wrong."

I wasn't even thinking about that.

"You see, unlike you, I am a descendant that is unable to extract and spin perithia. Plus, whenever I touch flowers, they just wither and die."

I am taken aback by his sudden confession. Why is he telling me this? Does he have an ulterior motive? Just why?

I remember the words Lady Elizabeth said when we were talking about me being strange earlier. Take that one for example, she said. Is this what she meant?

"Though it is not all that strange, I'd say it's quite rare. Everyone knows that I can't do what a descendant is supposed to do. Luckily, my younger brother was born. By the time he was ten, he had already replaced our father in doing the job — providing the life force."

Of course, once the children of the dukedom and imperial family reach the age of ten, they would take the role of supplying the life force from their parents. For once they reach that age, the parent loses the power to do so. By the age of ten, their bodies will be in the perfect state to become just the right vessel for a descendant's special type of mana. It's just like handing down the ability to their children who have no choice but to accept their fate and carry the responsibility.

"So what do you expect? Obviously, all the love and attention went to my darling younger brother. Although, I don't resent him for it." Finally, he turns his head to look back at me. "But don't you think it's just unfair? I'm left to do errands and official duties. I'm on my father's tail wherever he goes. I help in managing the finances of the house. Yet never was I acknowledged by anyone."

I just stand there, still as the calm sea. Not knowing what to react to the surprising burst of emotions. Or is it? He is speaking so smoothly that it is hard for me to tell whether he feels the same way he's saying.

He starts to walk towards me and stops just a few inches before me.

"Why do you think I've kept it together until now?" He asks while looking at me straight in the eyes. I gulp as soon as I realize the small distance between us. "It's because I always knew someone out there had it worse than me."

But why is he saying this in past tense? No, could it be-

"You, what are you saying?" The very first words I've said in a while.

"But what now? That 'someone' can now do what I cannot. In an extraordinary way, at that. The people still blame her? Scratch that, they'll learn to love you once they realize that you're actually of use to them."

I can't be more wrong. He's clearly talking about me. So he's telling me that all these years he was able to hold it all in just because my problem was worse than his? Is he mental? Knowing that someone occassionally thinks about me while having his fits in life is somewhat disturbing.


My thoughts were cut off by the sudden burst of laughter. Oh, he's laughing now?


Seinfrede was now laughing hard while holding his stomach. What's so funny?

"Your face, pfft-"

Are those tears on his eyes? Right now, he looks like someone who hasn't had a good laugh in a year.

Fortunately, he seems to have already recovered from his severe fit of laughter as he wipes the small tears that gathered on the sides of his eyes using his finger.

"Young master Seinfrede, is it possible that you are not right in the head?" I ask as sincerely as I can, with no intent to offend.

"Of course not. Why would you think that? Also, call me Sein." He slightly tilts his head as he crosses his arms.

"Okay, young master Sein-"

"No, just Sein."

"Fine. Sein, it's because we were in the middle of a serious conversation and you just suddenly broke out into fits of laughter."

"Why not? Your horrified face was rather cute, like a small bunny in front of a menacing wolf." He chuckles.

To that, I only narrow my eyes at him. Does he find pleasure in seeing people becoming petrified? 

"You're crazy." I say with a slightly aggressive sigh. I want him to know that I am slowly becoming irritated with him.

"Seriously though, I didn't mean the latter part of what I said. I'm not that immature." He gives me a grin paired with a wink. I only roll my eyes.

"Why would you tease me like that?" I resume to our little stroll and march past him. He follows but I only look straight ahead.

"Can't you just have a little bit of fun?" He asks while trying to catch up to my steps.

"Was it?"

He only laughs as he puts his hands on his back.

Along the way, we only had a normal conversation. I'd known that he is a year older than me and that he often comes here with his father but this is the first time we've actually met. He'd asked me to become friends with him — something which I had no problems with so I accepted, along with a peculiar promise.

"The part where flowers die whenever I touch them — you see, the only ones who know about it are my parents, and now, you. So promise me that you will not tell anyone." Then why tell me in the first place?

"Alright, you have my word. But if you've kept it as a secret for so long, then why reveal it to me?"

"I wanted us to be friends. Friends keep secrets between them, don't they?" He beams with a sheepish grin.

Really, how foolish. Still, it is not so bad having a friend to fool around with.