A troublesome night

Two days had passed and I was on my way to my room from the mansion's unbelievably huge library when I saw a familiar figure walking about the hallways. As I drew closer, I saw that it was the wizard in his black and gold robe as usual. Why is he here? A prominent figure such as him could probably just walk in and out of the duke's mansion, I thought. Suddenly, the scene of our awkward parting last time came to mind. We were about to pass by each other and I still didn't know what to do. Should I greet him? Maybe I should just ignore him. No, I didn't even thank him last time.

"Uhh-" I was about to start but he was able to speak before me.

"Oh, witch, it's you." He says in a hoarse voice while holding his sleeve to his nose. Does he have a cold? His slightly slitted eyes were a bit red on the sides.

"Listen, about last time, I-"

"Yes, yes... you're welcome... now off you go before you catch my cold." He waves his hand and gestures me to go but he was the first to leave and I was left alone by the large and empty hallway.

"Ugh, when will this cold ever go away." I heard him mutter in an unnatural way right before he disappeared from my sight.

Was I the only one who thought our argument before was a big deal? I did not make much of it and just shrugged it off. I continue to walk back to my room.


"Shall I prepare you a glass of milk, young lady?" Anette asks as she helps me put back the books I've read earlier today.

"Yes please, and I want it cold."

I'd wanted to study more about the managing of economics and finances. The other day, Sein told me about everything he does to assist his father. He was only a year older than me but he has already done so much. This sparked a motivation within me to do something as well — as the daughter of the duke. Well, maybe this drive to study within me came from not being to experience it in my past life since I had to stop at junior high school to help with the shop. And even if I had the chance to study, I was too busy tending to the flowers. But of course, in all its obviousness, learning all of it cannot be done overnight — I realized. So before my head started to burst from all the information, I've decided to hit the covers and call it a day.

As soon as I finished the cold milk, I went to bed and turned off the lamp decorated in gold placed on the table beside me. I only felt the exhaustion in my head the moment I had laid down. Did I push myself too hard? No, if I wanted to learn and make use of myself, I should at least try my hardest.

Minutes later and sleep never came to me. I was throwing and thrashing myself all over the bed. No matter how comfortable the mattress, my body seemed unable to just stay put. Wasn't I tired from all the studying? I should be snoring like a cow right now. 

I tried my hardest to stay still. I beg and beg for sleep to come to me but it just won't work. Then having enough of it, I open my eyes and sat upright.

At that moment, a strong gush of wind opened the glass windows that lead to the balcony. Was the weather windy this evening? Is there a storm? No, I don't hear any rain. Plus, it had only been a single gust, strong enough to open the locked windows. Wait, locked? It was locked!

Then how?

Right then, I heard footsteps. My heart stopped. I clutched the blanket, hoping that I might have heard it wrong. The footsteps became louder and clearer. For a moment, I just stared at the opened windows by my left side. The balcony was huge so I can't see everything from where I sat. It's likely that they are thieves, making their way inside through the balcony — but I pray that it is just nothing and the sounds would stop so I can go back and try to sleep.

For every continuous step of the unknown, my heart rang louder in return. I was about to stand and look for something to use against them to defend myself when a figure, no— three... five? Five figures in black cloaks came inside. Their faces were hidden beneath the shadows of their hoods.

They stop and face me, one flinched as soon as they saw me.

"Avi kzi tugna yis?!" One hissed angrily to the other. His tone firm and set.

What language is that?

"Avi das kona!"

The panic and rush of fear fills my body as I realize that these men were completely speaking a different language and if not steal — they might be here to take me. I wanted to scream for help but my voice wouldn't come out and I was already sweating cold sweats. I just sat there, still and frozen.

"Wake or sleep, does not matter. You, get girl fast. Make sure she do not make sound." The man with the largest build ordered to the one closest to me.

That confirmed the one thing I'd dreaded most. They're here to take me. My eyes start to shift, looking for something — anything that might help me escape.

And then, as the black-clad figure was about to walk towards me, he paused — everyone came to a pause as another figure ran inside, also coming in through the balcony.

Since when did the balcony become a form of entrance?

"Not so fast." The tall and lean figure takes out a sword. 

The strangers and I turn towards the new person at the same time. I was just as taken aback as them. The person who had just arrived was about to attack when another came behind and called out to him.

"Wait! Don't kill them, remember that we'll have to question them later."

The one with the sword at the ready just shrugs and runs toward the black-clad figures. In turn, one of them takes out a large curved blade and meets the newcomer's sword.

"Little boys will regret joking with us!" The man shouted, his accent strong and heavy.

Sounds of metal clashing echoed across the room. I saw that there were already two people fighting with the first newcomer but he just kept attacking and his defenses were flawless. Since when did a live historical action movie shooting take place in my own bedroom?

I was already contemplating on whether to get popcorn or not when the others seemed to have recovered and remembered their purpose when the largest one shouted another order.

"Get girl, now! Already, we lose many time."

I cursed myself as the panic came back rushing to me. Your stupid dumb ass had the audacity to joke around, now look what happened.

"I'm afraid I can't allow you that." Said the second newcomer, taking his sword from his sheath and blocked the way from the one who came after me who was already holding the same large blade that was curved at the tip.

The large one helped his companion and both of them fought the second newcomer together. The clashing of steel rang so loudly that I am already bothered why no one in the mansion had noticed yet.

Still, I cannot feel so at ease at the arrival of the newcomers. I still don't know them and they might have the same goal as these black-clad men. I notice that one of the five figures just stood standing and was only watching while four of his friends fought. I saw that his build was much smaller than the rest. Great, maybe I can take him down myself.

I stand and sneak, trying to blend in with the wall. I'd spotted a thick book that was laying around so I picked it up. I crept up behind him, he's still watching the scene unfold; it looks like he's panicking, not knowing what to do as he tries to take a step forward and then backward again.

Wait a minute. I watch the others and they seemed to be busy fighting. They'll buy me some time. The newcomers were keeping the black-clad figures occupied so I took a chair nearby and placed it as quietly as I can behind my target who was still startled and unknowing. This seemed like the more effective way. He was taller than me so even if I hit him with a book from behind, it would have only little effect.

I stood on the chair, raised the book and mustered all the strength I had into my arms. His head was just in front of me, at a perfect angle to hit it. Like a CEO playing golf, I swing my arms and hit my golf ball cleanly on the back of his head.


The black-clad person lay knocked out on the floor.

No one seemed to have noticed since they continued fighting. But alas, each one of the newcomers' opponents were already unconscious, leaving the both of them with only one left to handle.

The black-clad figures draw back, huffing and puffing. They turn to each other and nod at the same time, as if having a mutual agreement. Then they ran towards their unconscious companions and stabbed them with their curved-tip blades. Before the blood could pool on the bedroom carpet, the two of them had already disappeared, leaving behind grey smoke. Magic.

"What? Lavi! I thought you casted a spell around the room to block off all magic!" The first newcomer shouted to the balcony. A third newcomer came out of it and I saw the familiar figure of the wizard, scratching his head as he walked into the bedroom.

"Oh believe me, Alis, I did. And I did tell you that it might not work since their magic is of different nature to ours."

"All that effort of Lavi's pretending to be sick for days while slowly weakening the barrier just had to go down the drain, didn't it? We obviously can't take something out of these dead corpses lying around." Said the second newcomer with a sigh.

No, not all of them are dead.

"Still, I didn't think they'd take the bait." The first newcomer chuckled at the end of his sentence.

"I also didn't expect that they'd kill their members to make sure they won't be able to speak anything before escaping."

As the three of them rambled about, I decided to go to the switch to turn on the chandelier for better lighting. The scene came into a much clearer view, the tables and piles of books were a mess. I caught sight of shattered pieces of glass as well. I cringed at the sight of two bloody bodies lying across the room.

But what caught me off my feet the most were the faces of the newcomers who had come to save me. All of their attention were to me, then their gazes shifted at the groaning figure who was about to regain consciousness.

"Oh now that I can see it, it seems like the young lady managed to take one out, barely."