Let's go back

The small room was dead silent, only the flickering of the old light bulb above us was the only thing that showed movement. The midget's face turned pale and Erion's mouth was half open as he blinked his eyes repeatedly.

The room seemed to turn around me. Surely I have heard wrong. It had only been a few months since I got reincarnated here, how could I be the key to save a kingdom? Unless... unless this body contained more secrets than I imagined. No, I can't accept this. The man is toying with us, he's distracting us so he can think of a way to escape — if he still haven't thought of one.

"Wh-what do you mean?" I stammered, the thought still unreal to me.

"You, girl, shall be the person to save Asiana. It is the only way." The man was stern, his face straight and unfazed. Then, one side of his lips went up, forming a smirk. "We initially meant to kill you, girly should be grateful."

My heart stopped, realizing that there was a possibility that I'd died moments ago, that I could have been a lifeless body at this very moment. They want me to save their kingdom but they'd also wanted me to die? The thought is horrendous.

"You dirty northeastern scum!" The golden boy lunged for the man, grabbed him by the collar and punched him hard on the face.

But he only cracked a laugh. Hearing him sent shivers up my spine.

A fist landed on his face again, golden boy punched him several times before turning back to our direction.

"Lavi! What are you just standing there for?! Return to your senses and get us out of this goddessforsaken place!"

The midget blinked for three times before fully recovering, the color was slowly coming back to his face. Before I knew it, white light had already invaded my sight.

We were back to my room.

"I knew it was a bad idea to bring her." The golden-haired boy exhaled a sigh of frustration.

"I'm sorry, Alis. I-It's my fault."

The midget is apologizing? But why? I felt bad seeing him lower his gaze as he tugged on the sleeve of his robe.

"Yes, this is exactly your fault. I told you not to hang around this place too much. It only took a few sugar-filled words from the girl's mouth for you to give in. You need to wake up."

What's he blaming the midget for? Is it really so bad that I came with them?

"Hey, don't get mad at him. I was the one-"

He cut me off by raising his sword towards me. "Be quiet."

I immediately raised by hands, not wanting another death threat. His face was grim with eyes filled with rage. I can't help but tremble.

Erion's back appeared in front of me, his left arm raised protectively.

"You're going too far, brother." He said with a deep tone full of warning. In total contrast to the bright aura he'd exuded earlier.

Wait, did he just call golden boy 'brother'? Could it be that they are siblings? But they look so different. Maybe they aren't. Boys back in my past life called each other 'bros' even if they're not related anyway.

I peeked out from Erion's back. Golden boy's jaw was set. He closed his eyes and exhaled as he put back the sword to its hilt. Great, calm down. It's still more than three months, I'd rather not die again this early.

"We should head back, let's put the interrogation to another time when you'd already calmed down."

Erion moved beside me as he busily fished something inside his pocket.

"I am calm." Golden boy said, but I know that he believes otherwise.

"I'll come with you for the next questioning."

The three of them turned to me at the same time — with expressions I cannot quite make out.

"This matter involves me so I should at least be present. I deserve to hear their reason. Besides, you can't just leave me wondering forever while I'm being constantly anxious for my safety."

The midget immediately stepped forward.

"No, you don't need to come with us. I can just stay guard around the mansion until things go back to normal so you don't have to worry."

"Are you sure about that? Goldilocks just told you not to 'hang around' here too much."

"Goldi what?"

"I think she just called Alis 'golden locks'. Or was it 'goldie locks'? I like the last one better. Ah! Here it is."

Erion held up two yellow teleportation shards, both had intricate carvings that indicated the coordinates of the user's destination. It's probably meant to go to the royal palace.

"What did you just call me?" Asked golden boy with one raised brow.

I had subconsciously given him a nickname inspired from one fairytale character he'd reminded me of. They don't know the blonde girl who'd eaten porridge from a family of bears anyway, that story exists only in another world.

"Nothing, I called you nothing." I said too defensively than I'd intended to. I was still shaking from our deathly interaction earlier. I was scared of him.

"Alright, we'll finally get going. I'll leave the young lady to you, my friend." Erion announced as he left my side to go to where golden boy was standing, but not before giving the young wizard a pat on the shoulder.

The black-haired prince gave one of the shards to the other.

"Well then, have a good night."

Erion smiled at me before splitting the shard in two, while golden boy only wore a straight face. Both of them disappeared, leaving gliterring dusts that fluttered in the air before they faded into nothingness.

I turned to the midget who was still standing across the room. I was about to speak but he'd been the first one to do so.

"I'll think about it. Alis will be convinced, eventually. It's been a long night, you should rest."

I sighed before replying.

"You told me I'd get the gist of it, but I'm still as clueless as I was before. No, right now I feel even worse. You know something, you always do. Tell me something, enlighten me ... just don't leave me out in the dust, especially if it might mean something about me."

The midget pinched his nosebridge as one hand fell on his waist.

"Look, I'd tell you eventually. Just... not now." He snapped his finger, causing the light from the chandelier to go out. "I have to reinforce the barrier. Go back to sleep."

"Wait, midget-"

"Lavi." He showed a gentle smile. Across the moonlit room, I could see the tiredness on his face, brought about by the long night. But something told me that there was more that caused it — the things he hid from me. Deep inside, I could feel that he probably hates it too. "Call me Lavi, okay?"

I could only nod.

"Good." He beams at me for the last time before summoning a glow under his feet. The magic circle looked much more beautiful surrounded by the night's darkness.

I was left alone. Standing as a twenty-year-old in the body of a thirteen-year-old girl who just realized that she was wearing a nightgown this whole time. But the people I'd met today didn't feel much younger than my real self, they talked and acted like adults. At this point, I was about to forget that I partially don't belong in this world. Maybe I could try, yet it will never be enough. I still don't know anything.

That night, I tried to push back all the thoughts, the scenes of tonight's event. Yet the laugh of that man kept crawling up in my mind. I would constantly open my eyes to check the balcony. As much as I try to act tough, part of me was still fightened. Fearing that strangers would creep into my room again.


"Young lady, a letter adressed to you have arrived." Anette said while putting down the tray of breakfast on the table. On it was an envelope with a seal and a letter opener. "Oh my goddess, you do not look well. Did you not sleep well last night?"

I was currently looking at myself in the mirror to comb my hair, getting ready for today's lessons with the Marchioness of Rinstoff. True enough, the bags under my eyes were alarming. My face had lost its usual glow — its second owner hasn't been doing a good job at taking care of it.

"Yes, my back ached for the whole of it." I replied a lie as I head to the shiny wooden table where breakfast had been laid, as well as the letter. "Who is this from?"

"It seems that it is from the royal palace."

My heart beat faster as I picked up the letter opener. Is it from Erion? Does this letter contain all the things they know?

As I opened the letter, I saw that it was not the one I had been hoping for. But the dawn of disappointment immediately disappeared as I read the content of the letter.

[A pleasant day to you, Young Lady of House Rosa, have you been well? I hope you are in best condition. Since I would like to invite you tomorrow to the imperial castle to have a meeting with all the members of the Elder Council and the High Priests of the temple. Gabriel and I had obtained foundings about your ability to call out perithia from afar. We hope to discuss this with you as we give much importance to this matter as well as you do. May Khloris bestow glory upon the Eastern region. - High Priest Marcus Kastley ]

A smile escaped from my lips. Finally, some answers.

"There's a teleportation shard that came with the letter, young lady."

"I see." I put down the letter and thrust out my hand to Anette. "Give it to me."

Anette handed the small crystal that had a diamond shape. It glowed a bright yellow as I held it up to the light entering the window behind me. I tried to push down the anxiety building up inside of me as I hope for something good for once. But why is it that I can't help but feel that things like that are out of reach?