Dance Lesson

Marchioness Lessa Rinstoff was a rather plump woman with reddish cheeks and auburn hair. Her tight dress' low neckline showed her cleavage. But her soft demeanor did not mean that she treats me well and gentle. She was ruthless, strict and unnecessarily hostile. Worse than how Lady Elizabeth had been — at least now the countess and I are quite close. Meanwhile, the lady in front of me does not hesitate to show me her hatred.

"Grace, girl, grace! You are as stiff as a sturdy tree on a windy day! You are not an inanimate object! Sway those limbs, twirl with care — and fix that sulk on your face."

She spat as she guided me across the old music room of the mansion. Its walls and shelves screamed vintage but gorgeous. We dance along the sweet and harmonious melody of the piano which was played by a newly-hired footman.

Lady Rinstoff took the role of a man as my dance partner. I can blame the awkwardness by our distance between each other but I do not deny that I had always been a bad dancer.

"Left foot forward, right foot sideways to the right, bring your left foot next to your right foot — come on girl, we have been repeating this for weeks!"

I try and try to recount the steps, my eyes focused to my feet as I do my best to remember where to put them. Moments later, the piano came to a halt, as well as the lady in front of me. She removed her hand from my waist and faced the door.

"Young master, Seinfrede." Lady Rinstoff said in a cheerful manner.

I turned back and saw the silver-haired boy in an olive green coat laid with golden buttons on top of a white tunic. He paired them with white pants and black leather boots. Sein was leaning by the doorframe with his arms crossed. Don't tell me he's been watching my complete-failure-of-a-dance since earlier?

"Why did you stop? Please, continue." He said with a smile while walking inside.

"Since when have you been watching?"

"Not long." His smile was a bit sly.

I can't help but feel embarrassed.

"Oh good, you already know each other?" Asked Lady Rinstoff as she clapped her hands. She was smiling like her mouth was about to rip apart. Tsk, this two-faced woman. "Then, young master, you can replace me as Calla's practice partner for today."


"Alright, I'd be happy to."

Again, what?! No, it would be too shameful! I raised one brow and shot him a glare of warning. He just did a one-sided shoulder shrug and smiled like a fool.

"Play the music, deary." She said flirtatiously to the young footman.

That lady's only ever aggressive to me.

I roll my eyes. "Don't blame me for bruising your toes."

"Worry not, I'm quite the dancer myself." He said as he bowed slightly and offered me his hand.

I just laughed as I took it. He held my hand with his while the other fell upon my waist. I put mine on his shoulder. His palms felt cold and I realized that he wasn't wearing his gloves.

Sein wasn't lying. He led me through the room and for once I felt one with the music. His precise movements made me think I could do it. There were times I stepped on his toe but that was it. I wasn't making as many mistakes as before.

"See, not so bad, is it?"

His paper-white face glowed when he received me as I did a turn. This boy did not look so bad himself. Well-bred nobles sure do hit different.

"Still bad." I answered with a chuckle.

"Yes, that's it! Glide with grace, move your body! Beautiful, astounding and exquisite! I'm not talking about you, Calla. Khloris forbid, raise those damned elbows, girl!"

"Pfft!" Both of us snickered at the same time.

In my peripheral vision, I saw the footman's shoulders' twitch, holding in a laugh. The piano went off key at that moment.

As I faced the door, I saw a figure standing beside it. I stopped as I recognized that it was the young wizard. What's he doing here?

The music stopped for the second time, along with everybody else.

"Good day, young master Lavi. What can I do for you?"

The midget was wearing his usual confident composure. He wore a smug smile on him as he marched chin up while approaching us. Back to his usual self, I see.

"I'd like to dance with her too. I haven't been practicing these days, you see. Can I?"

I heard Sein say something in a low voice. "That's because you've been all over the place being a magic-crazed maniac." I couldn't quite hear what he said so I just ignored it.

"Of course, you are very much welcome." Lady Rinstoff said as she clasped her hands.

"Well then, I had better go. I only stopped by as I was supposed to go to Duke Rosa's office along with my father."

"Oh, okay. Thanks for helping me."

Sein only smiled and bowed to me and the marchioness before heading to the door.

"Hmp, pushover." The young wizard scoffed. I even saw him lift one side of his upper lip as his eyes did a snob gesture.

"Let's continue. Start the music, sweetie."

Lady Rinstoff motioned to us. We bowed to each other and positioned our hands.

Then the piano started playing. This wizard was not just being overconfident, he also knew his way through the dance.

The dark-blue ends of his long hair brushed on the back of my hand placed on top of his shoulder — his hair was definitely straighter than mine, like it had been ironed or something. But I cannot help but feel a somewhat familiar sensation creeping up inside me. I felt like we had done this before.

No, I must be dreaming. I push the thoughts further. That would be impossible.

It's been minutes into the dance but he wasn't saying anything, so I tried to break the silence between us.

"Why are you acting like this?"

"Like what?"

"You're suddenly being rude." 

"Why would I be?"

"I just heard you call Sein a pushover. Also, you didn't do so much as look at him."

"So the both of you are on first name basis now?"

I turned but I lost balance and tripped. The midget caught me by the arms while I held the back of his neck. His face was too close to mine. I stare into the golden flecks of his hazel eyes and I considered that they were pretty. Then they start to squint.

"He's annoying."

I blinked myself back to reality as I notice that the music was still playing. And now it stopped.

"That shall be all for today. I'll allow myself to be satisfied with this improvement, young lady." Lady Rinstoff closed the fan with a loud snap, she's been holding it since earlier. "I have to go, if you'll excuse me."

The marchioness curtsied and walked past us. The footman bowed and followed her outside.

"Hmph, kids these days." I heard her say before she disappeared through the door.

I turned to the person beside me.

"Alright, what are you doing here?"

"I was just checking up on you."

He was what? This is unacceptable, I refuse to be babied by someone younger than my real self.

"I can take care of myself, thanks." I start to walk away but stopped on my tracks as I realized something.

What am I doing? This foolish pride won't get me anywhere.

"Hey, midget." I don't turn to face him, afraid that he might see the blush on my cheeks. "Thank you for everything. I haven't had the chance to say it but... really, thank you."

There, I'd said it. I heard him let out a subtle snicker.

"Stupid, I told you to call me by my name."