Another way

Silence reigned inside the wood-colored walls of the courtroom. After complete soundlessness, the emperor finally talked.

"I have spoken about this matter with the council and the temple. We have discussed all night until morning, so you should know that I have thought about this very thoroughly."

He gestured a hand to the direction of the Elder Council. The members nodded and soon, Gabriel was the one to stand.

"The king of Kairos had told us that he would instigate war in a year's time. But we will not wait for a year. The empire of Helianthus will be the first to break the five hundred years of peace among Flos and Ventus. In order for last night's tragedy to never repeat again, the Dryads are tasked to enforce a barrier that will keep any Ventus from entering the empire's lands. In three months' time, we will march an army towards Kairos and Asiana."

"But what if it's a trap, a part of a tactic? If he's already expecting us to attack first, then what?" asked a man from the Southwest.

"We shall leave that to our Generals to strategize." The youngest council member paused for a moment. "And since we have been told that only by using a descendant's special mana can we kill the monsters called as Ri Shālli, it has been made required for the eldest sons and daughters of descendants to participate in the frontlines."

Hearing that, the courtroom broke out into an uproar. Especially for the Easterners, who only has one descendant left to rely upon.

"But there is another way—" The brown-skinned high priest from the temple stood. "A method to avoid war and wasteful killings."

After asking the Emperor for permission to speak, he continued.

"Our ancient ancestors had long suspected that the dark element known as Quintessence made its way into the hands of the Ventus people. Last night, we have finally confirmed this notion. For the creatures of darkness are clearly formed from this power itself. We are still not sure if the king truly is the one who bears this power, but we do know that he has control of it. Based on what you may have heard from the stories, armies are pointless against the one who holds Quintessence within them."

Waves of horrified gasps surfaced through the air. High Priest Marcus glanced towards my direction. He stood straighter before speaking once more.

"Yet we still have a chance! Among us is the one who holds the exact counterpart of the Quintessence. Sol, bearer of the Pure Light — she is here in this very room." 

I made no hesitation and stood up. That was my cue. 

"C-calla… why are you standing? S-sit down." Lady Elizabeth's voice was shaking. 

I turned to her and gave her the calmest smile I could muster. Then I focused my gaze ahead. 

Everyone's eyes were focused on me. The Emperor merely pressed his lips and nodded. Prince Alistair was drumming his fingers restlessly on the armrest. Erion was wide-eyed, his jaw dropped as he looked at his father and older brother who seemed unfazed. 

I feel sorry for not telling him and Lady Elizabeth about the "agreement", but there was no time. 

As I pinched my trembling hands, I slowly willed my breathing to calm down. 

I ordered the power within me to wrap my whole body with light. My skin became a luminous golden color as the brightness embraced me to be one with them. The next thing I knew, I was already glowing brightly, like a miniature sun. 

After a good thirty seconds—just as they told me to, I stopped summoning the light and allowed myself to go back to normal. 

I saw the people slowly lower their arms from their eyes as my body finally dimmed. 

"B-but she's so young." said the Southwestern woman from earlier. 

Then the loud whispers finally started.

 "Can she really protect us?"

"Does she even know how to fight?" 

"A young girl as our savior? They must be out of their minds."

"She's the only young lady of the Eastern region, is it alright to put herself in danger just like that?"

Young girl this, young girl that—they were back at it again. 

And so I decided to let light pool above my palm and shot the low wooden divider that separated the Northwest and the Southwest nobles. 

Their eyes gradually became larger as they gulped, looking at the smoking hole that I made. 

Closing my eyes for a second, I exhaled deeply. "Please, allow me to speak first." 

I lifted my gaze to the dais. "Your royal highnesses, if I may?" 

The Emperor and the Crown Prince were quick to nod. Erion was still on the process of grasping the situation. 'What's happening here? Why didn't anyone tell me?' were the words printed on his face as our eyes met. I only gave him a subtle smile. 

I raised my chin a bit more and straightened my shoulders. If you ever ask me what I do best, it was simply… lying. I can make lies seem more real than the truth. In my past life, it was a useful skill back at my days in the slums. And I had proven it just as handy when I came to live with my father and his family. 

"Our goddess Khloris has entrusted me the Pure Light in order to protect the Flos people should danger disrupt our harmonious living. She chose me for many reasons and one of them is that I am the only one who can withstand the Pure Light's destructive power. You want to keep your lands? You do not want your sons and daughters to die in war? Then you have no choice but to allow this responsibility to me. I am all you have."

And I am not as young as you think I am. 

"Young lady Calla will form a group of talented individuals that is tasked to find a way to prevent a war from happening." Gabriel said. 

A man raised his hand. "Then how sure are we that she and her group will be able to protect and save us?" 

"If I choose them, then they are more than capable. I will never choose people who think half-heartedly of my cause." I replied truthfully. 

All of them nodded at one another. Their faces seemed to brim with hope. 

The Emperor's voice made everyone pay attention back again. "The Floralia festival draws near, we will not do anything that will cause panic among our citizens. Despite anything else, although there will be much more heightened security, we shall continue our tradition and remain strong. For now, we engage on a secret war."