Can you lie?

[Three hours ago at the palace bedroom where Calla stayed.]

"I appreciate your help greatly, my Empress."

The woman's black-painted lips lifted into a calm smile. "Someone else wants to see you, would that be alright?"

My brows met in confusion. But still, I answered, "Yes, it's fine."

Who could it be?

The doors opened and I turned to see the Emperor already making his way into the bedroom.

I attempted to stand but he waved his hand as a gesture for me not to bother.

He was the exact copy of Prince Alistair, only that his face was already lined with age. But his hair was still the same shining blonde as his oldest son's.

The Emperor took the white chair paired with the table and sat across me and the Empress.

"Y-your highness, what can I do for you?"

He crossed his arms. "The high priests and my eldest son had told be everything about you and your power."

I flinched. "O-oh… is that so?"

"Yes my dear child. And I'm here to ask you a favor." said the Emperor.

When I turned to look at the Empress, she only gave me a sweet smile. "It's alright."

I faced the man in front of me again and nodded. "What is it, your highness?"

The Emperor's deep blue eyes became much more serious as he started to speak. "The nobility is in shambles right now after learning about last night's event. Plus, a council member was killed. Some will ask for war, some will think otherwise—but there is one thing that they have in common. They are scared. And if the empire's leaders are swallowed by fear, the subjects will be greatly affected. Personally, for me, I do not want war to occur. For I understand what it means if that would happen."

He swept a hand over his face, exhaled deeply, and continued. "Call this using you if you want, but I want you to be the one to show them that they have nothing to be frightened of." 

"H-how am I supposed to do that?" I asked while fidgeting the black ruffles on my sleeves. 

"Can you lie?" 


"The Pure Light is a powerful element, but we are not sure if we can defeat the king of Kairos with just that. We suspect that he is the bearer of Quintessence-"

"Nightshade?" I asked, feeling a chill run down my spine. 

"It's a probability that he is, those creatures are of darkness themselves after all." 

Bile crept to my throat as I listened to the Emperor. 

"Child, I want you to tell the people in the courtroom that you will use the power of the Pure Light inside you. That there is no need for war and that we have the better alternative: you." The deep blue ocean eyes stared directly at me. 

"B-but what if I can't calm them down?" I stammered on my words. 

"That's where the outfit part comes in, darling." said the Empress. "Just show them that you are confident and certain about this, even if it is just a lie." 

The Emperor nodded. "We will tell them that you will be the one to prevent the King of Kairos from attacking our kingdom—that you will be the one to save and protect the Flos. Technically, it is true since you have the Pure Light inside you which is the only way to counter his power. But I prefer not to put the life of the East's only descendant at stake. As much as I hate to deceive them, this is the only way that I know. We will think of another way to handle this problem eventually." 

Scenes of how my mother died entered my mind. The image of her forms while fighting those people in black cloaks has been stuck to me ever since.

I heaved in a breath. "Alright, I'll do it." 

The Emperor smiled, while the woman beside me released a sigh of relief. 

"In one condition," I continued.

"Sure, I shall offer you anything you want." 

I bit my lips before answering. 

"I don't want it to be a lie." 

The Emperor's blonde brows furrowed. "What do you mean?" 

"I want to be the one to face the king of Kairos. You said it yourself, your highness. I am the only one who can stop him." 

The words came out easily from my mouth, showing how determined I was about this decision. 

Soft hands with black nails caressed my own. "You can't do this, dear. Do you even know how dangerous what this is that you want to get yourself into?" 

I placed my palm above hers. "I know full well how dangerous this is, your highness. But while knowing that I have the Pure Light in me, I can't just allow such a threat to exist." 

Plus, this will help me know why that king ordered those men to kill my mother. This is my drive. I am not the type to hold grudges but this is a matter far more beyond than just a petty "grudge". Those people will have what's coming for them. And without my allergies, I can move more freely now. 

I can do this. Now that I know who those people are, I will hunt them. The only problem now was where to start. 

"Are you sure you want to do this?" asked the Emperor. 

I nodded. "I am not that helpless."

His ocean blue eyes shifted, clearly taken aback by my answer. Then the man in front of me let out a sigh. "Very well, I entrust this mission to you, young lady Calla. I will provide you support in any way that I can. And you must not do this alone, do you understand? I shall find you your companions." 

The woman beside me gasped. "Are you out of your mind, Andor?" 

"I am truly grateful for your generosity, your highness. Leave it to me to explain this matter to my people." 

The Emperor raised his brows and smiled before turning to the Empress. "Calm down, Sunniva. She is 'not that helpless'." He chuckled. "I feel like I'm talking to a grown lady instead of a young girl." 

It is because I am.