The art of risk-taking

[Back to present time.]

"You can't do this to us, Calla." Lady Elizabeth's face was grim.

After the meeting ended, the Easterners donned in dark attires gathered a few distances from the courtroom in order to talk to me. I felt very much obliged to talk to them.

I was fidgeting. The air around us was growing heavier. "I know, and I am very sorry to everyone. But I need to do this… I'm the only one who can."

"Young lady, you must understand. If something happens to you, what will it do to us?" asked a noble woman with concern all over her face.

"We just lost many of our people last night, young lady. We can't lose you as well."

My heart ached at their words but, "I apologize… yet I have already decided to take the risk. Don't worry. I will not put myself in too much danger."

But I can't promise you that.

They gave each other worried glances before sighing in unison.

"I-I guess… w-we must take this risk."

"T-then we will pray for your safety, young lady."

"Be strong, young lady. We are always here if you need us."

"Yes, you can rely on us for help should you need one."

I smiled. "Thank you everyone. I really appreciate it. I will soon go home to the East and relay this to my father."

"Please be careful, young lady."

They bowed before finally leaving one by one.

The only ones left were Lord Frederick and Lady Elizabeth—two of my most favored private tutors. But it seems like I will not receive lessons from them from now on.

My history teacher held my shoulders, his caramel hair a tangled mess. His eyes shook as he spoke, "Y-you're not doing this because of what happened to Vivian, are you?" 

I almost flinched at his words. "N-no,"

Why can't I look at him directly?

"I'm doing this for my homeland… for everyone." My voice was a pitch higher than normal. 

Was I more affected by her death than I thought?

Lord Frederick loosened his grip. "Let her rest. She deserves it. Vivian would've wanted you to move on." 

And what about you? Your pain is clear just by the way you speak.

I nodded. "She wants the same for you too."

He smiled, but his eyes were filled with sadness. "Don't worry about me." His hand went to my head. He was eyeing the ornaments that Vivian had placed on my hair.

"Oh, right. I almost forgot."

I took the sapphire necklace from my pocket and handed it to my history tutor.

"This is hers."

The moment his hand touched the sapphires of the necklace, a tear ran down his face. He sniffed back the tear and wiped his cheeks. "Thank you, young lady."

I bit my lip, feeling a pang on my chest. "Please continue to live your life, and so will I and the other maids."

Lord Frederick wasn't able to stop a sob from breaking out as he bowed to me. "Y-yes, young lady,"

After he finally walked away, I was left with Lady Elizabeth who stood crossed-arms. She let out an exhausted exhale before speaking to me. "You're really going to do this, aren't you?"

"Yes, I will not let anything stop me." My voice came out set and eager.

"Not even your father?"

"I'll… convince him somehow."

Lady Elizabeth rolled her eyes. "You look like just your mother right now."

My back straightened, eyes wide with aghast. "I do?"

The countess swept back her blonde hair that was neatly tied into a bun. "Mmm, reckless and stupid."

I frowned.

"But strong." She grinned.

I felt the warmth touch my heart. "Thank you, Lady Elizabeth."

"I think it's about time you go back to calling me Lady Liz." She chuckled sweetly. "That's what you used to call me back when you were still a small child."

She really was close to my mother, wasn't she? I want to ask Lady Elizabeth more about my mother but I guess I should save that for another time.

"A-alright, Lady Liz." I replied.

Lady Elizabeth- Liz raised one brow. "You're not wearing your bandages?"

"No, they're gone now. It seemed to be a post-traumatic effect from the accident ten years ago."

It was another lie.

The Countess' chocolate brown eyes shifted the moment I mentioned the word "accident". I probably made her recall that moment. It was a hard time for her too.

"Is that so?" Lady Liz cleared her throat to regain her composure. "Well, I'm happy that you finally got rid of it."

"Well then, I guess I should get going. Or do you want to head home with me?" asked the Countess.

"Thank you but, I have something I have to do first." I replied with a smile.

I can't just leave my Shire. The Empress had insisted to hold onto Shire while I attend the meeting.

"Very well, be careful on your way back." She said, waving her hand as she turned her back towards me.

"You too, Lady Liz."

The day had finally come to me as my joints started to hurt from standing too long. I was about to walk out of the halls when a familiar cool and deep voice called out to me from the side.


I turned and saw the silver-haired boy approaching me in his deep green tunic studded with golden chains paired with black trousers and black leather boots.

"Sein…" I started. We were now only a few inches apart. "How have you been?"

"I-" His gray eyes shifted with panic. "C-calla your bandages-"

"It's fine. I'm not allergic to flowers anymore."

"R-really?" Sein's pale face glowed. "That's great."

Then there was silence. We seem to have realized that we haven't broken eye contact for a long time when we both looked away at the same time.

Sein's hand went to his nape, a faint blush was appearing on his cheeks.

"Uhm… why are you here?" I asked to break away the awkwardness.

"My father sent me to fetch some documents…" He paused for a second. "I… kind of accidentally heard some talks about you from the people who just went out of the courtroom. Are you okay?"

"Oh that… it's a long story, but I'll manage." I let out a subtle laugh.

"Mind telling me now or…?"

I shook my head once. "Maybe soon, I actually don't want to talk about it."

"Oh sure, no problem." Then he opened both his arms to the sides. "It seems rough. Would you like a hug?"

I lifted my eyes to his. "Are you serious?"

Sein laugh was a melody to my ears. "Why do you always think that I'm not?"

I narrowed my eyes at him.

He chuckled even more. "What? I don't offer hugs to just anyone, you know?"

"Fine, already." I replied and hugged him.

His arms then closed on my back. As expected he smelled cool—like sweet eucalyptus mint. 

My cheeks were pressed onto his chest and I could hear the loud beating of his heart.

I slowly released my breath as I surprisingly felt calmer wrapped tight in his arms. Since he was tall, his cheeks leaned on my head. 

It made electric bolts rush through my entire body. 

If only we could stay like this forever. 

Of course, that would be too good to be true for someone had cleared his throat from a distance. 

We quickly released each other and turned to find Erion standing in front of us. 

"Oh sorry, did I disturb you?" 

I glared at him but his gaze was only fixated on Sein.

"No, not at all, your highness." said the silver-haired boy beside me. 

"That's good to know. Can I take her away for a bit?" The prince smiled cheekily. 

"Of course, I have a few more errands to run actually. I just stopped to say hi." 

"Hmm? Didn't really look like a 'hi' from where I'm standing-"

"Ooookay, let's go." I cut him off. He was talking like Lavi. 

I dragged Erion away and glanced at Sein for the last time. 

He smiled in a way that made my heart leap two meters high.