Christmas Special Chapter

[A special chapter to greet the holidays!]

Starring some of our fave characters: Calla, Lavi, Sein, Erion and Alistair. 

Welcome to the Christmas Special exclusive interview! We are here with our lovely host, the author herself: Miss Yuki.

Yuki: Good day, folks! The season of jolly and merry-making has come knocking on our doorsteps once more. Joining us today are five very wonderful guests. Everyone, please greet the audience!

Calla: Hello everyone, thank you for joining us!

Lavi: Hi, would you like to see some magic?

Erion: *winks at the crowd* Hey there.

Sein: *smiles and waves dashingly*

Alistair: *raises a hand and nods*

Yuki: Thanks guys, now please take your seats. And Lavi dearest, we won't be doing magic today.

Erion: *snickers*

Sein: *whispering* Magic-crazed

Lavi: *about to shoot someone on the forehead*

Yuki: *sweating nervously* O-okay to start off, today we have several questions to ask our guests! Everyone, at which place would you love to spend Christmas with? Boys, we'll start with you ~

Alistair: I hear the Southwest is known for its lovely springs.

Yuki: Ooohh, spoken like a true Crown Prince!

Alistair: *lifts brows* I am one.

Yuki: Y-yes ~

Erion: The South would be the best! It's less cold there during winter season.

Yuki: You live in the South…

Erion: Yeah and?

Yuki: Nothing, it's perfect. Lavi, it's your turn to answer ^-^

Lavi: I got no time to go travelling, need to practice magic.

Yuki: R-right… how about Sein?

Sein: I'd like to spend it at home with my family.

Calla: *falling in love even more*

Yuki: Uh-huh, as expected of Sein ~ Now it's time for Calla to answer the question!

Calla: Hmmm…

The boys: *staring and waiting expectantly*

Calla: I've always wanted to go to Japan during Christmas.

Erion: Where's that?

Sein: Is that a small town in the East?

Lavi: Japan sounds magical.

Alistair: *remembering all the places in the empire* I have not heard about this "Japan".

Yuki: *widens eyes at Calla*

Calla: *blinking and panicking*

Yuki: *does a face-palm*

Calla: *poker face* Japan is a very small village located at the outskirts of the East. Merchants come and go through this village so it is very famous even among the nobility.

Yuki: *glad that her main character can lie*

The boys: *nod in understanding*

Yuki: Wow! Those places sound very interesting ~ for the next question: What food do you like to eat during Christmas?

Alistair: Hot Chocolate Fudge while waiting for gift-giving.

Erion: Anything my mom makes, honestly. 

Yuki: Ohh ~ so the Empress knows how to cook?

Erion: What? Of course she doesn't.

Yuki: Then how…?

Alistair: *sighs exhaustingly* Let's just move on to the next person.

Lavi: Strawberry cakes!

Yuki: That's nice-

Lavi: Mixed with elixirs and potions.

Yuki: O-okay… *shrugs it off and turns to Sein*

Sein: For me, the food doesn't matter. Everything I eat tastes better when I'm with my loved ones.

Calla: *falls harder*

Lavi: Even horse poop, then?

Erion: *giggles*

Calla: *gives Lavi a death glare* Say that again.

Lavi: Horse poop.

Calla: *about to snap*

Yuki: P-please calm down, everyone! C-calla darling, it's your turn ~

Calla: *calm exhale*

Yuki: *happy that her main character is rational*

Calla: I eat Tiramisu Crepe Cakes from McDonald's.

Yuki: *she takes it back* There are no cakes like that in McDonald's. And that is not the problem here.

Calla: *just realized her mistake* Oh.

Lavi: What language are you speaking? What's a McDonald's?

Alistair: I think they're talking about cakes.

Erion: I heard creep cakes. Scary desserts actually exist?

Sein: *thinks that he is being surrounded by idiots, except for Calla ofc*

Yuki: *uses her power as the author (can she really do that?)* You will forget about what Calla said, and instead you will remember that she answered "bread".

Calla: Please be more creative.

Erion: Yeah, bread is good.

Lavi: Bread is my favorite.

Alistair: I shall offer you bread baked by the top chefs in the palace.

Sein: Would you like to make bread together with me?

Calla: *blushes*

Yuki: *thinking that she is not getting paid for this shit* Alright! Before we wrap up, we have one last question from one random reader picked by me, the author (it's just my sister). The question is: What is the one thing that you would like to happen or receive this Christmas?

Alistair: I want none other than the prosperity of the empire.

Yuki: Isn't it very prosperous enough as it is…

Erion: For Christmas, it would be nice for *beep* to come back to life. Just kidding!

Yuki: Please don't hurt yourself any more than this.

Lavi: It'd be great to receive a new robe.

Yuki: That's surprisingly normal.

Lavi: *confused*

Sein: I just want a gift from a special someone.

Yuki: Ooohh! Who could this be?

Calla: *blushing hard* S-same goes for me.

Erion and Lavi: Boooo!

Yuki: *slowly becoming bitter as well* Aaand that's it! We hope you had a fun time, thank you for staying with us until the end! 'Til next time, luvs! And please remember,

Lavi: To

Erion: Always

Alistair: Wear

Sein: Your

Calla: Mask



[Calla's first ever group meeting]

Calla: So what are we going to do?

Lavi: I don't know. Maybe roast a chicken?

Calla: About the monsters, Lavi.

Lavi: Sorry, I'm hungry.

[Erion and *beep* flirting]

Erion: You're like an angel with no wings.

*beep*: …So like a person.

[At a random palace ball]

Sein: Did it hurt?

Calla: Did what hurt?

Sein: Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?

Lavi, sliding an arm around Calla: No it didn't, because I was there to catch her.

[Sein and Calla flirting]

Calla: *yawns*

Sein: Yeah, being beautiful must be so tiring.

Calla: *winks* Well, then you must be exhausted.

Sein: *aggressively blushing red*

[Random call]

Kidnapper: I have your son.

Calla: I don't have a son. My father even said that it was still too early for talks of marriage.

Kidnapper: Then who just asked for warm chocolate milk and made us cut the crusts off his sandwich?

Calla: Oh my goddess, you have Erion.

[Calla having dinner with her father]

Calla: Who the fuck

Duke Careem: Language

Calla: Whom the fuck

Duke Careem: No

[Calla and Lavi bickering]

Calla: What are you, five?

Lavi: Yeah, five heads taller than you.




Lavi: Please don't kill me.

[Calla and Lavi bickering pt. 2]

Lavi: Must you always attack me with words?

Calla: You want me to use rocks?

[Behind the scenes of Calla's birthday banquet]

Calla: It's over. We won.

*behind Calla a monster survives and slowly stands back up*



Erion: *starts to point*

Calla: No. We won. I'm not turning around and looking at it. We won.

[Something blows up.]

Calla: Lavi, what did you do?!

Lavi: My best.