Nothing can stop me

The mansion bore no sound whatsoever. Not a single soul walked around the hallways. Still, I continued to work my way to my father's office.

As I arrived in front of it, I placed Shire just beside the doorway.

"Wait here and be a good boy, okay?"

My spirit guide purred and licked his paws as a reply, blue eyes gleaming radiantly. 

Before knocking on the wooden door, I heard muffled voices coming from the inside.

No one seemed to notice so I decided to twist the doorknob open.

Five men in black clothing stood in front of the Duke's table, all focusing at the papers in their hands.

"When should we hold the mass burial?"

"Perhaps we could wait for a few days."

"I agree, the citizens must be given time to mourn the dead."

"Who is in charge of the site?" 

I cleared my throat. Upon hearing, they stopped talking and turned their heads to me all at once. As soon as they realized who I was, they bowed.

"Greetings, Young Lady Calla." 

Because of that, I saw my father's expressionless face as he stared directly at me.

I nodded to them as a response, and then I took a deep breath. "Father, may I speak with you?"

He sighed, putting down the document he was holding. "Leave us." 

The men finally walked away, leaving me and my father alone in this crimson-walled office.

Before I could even open my mouth, the Duke raised a hand. His face was calm, but the aura he emanated suggested that he did not feel that way. 

"Whatever you are planning, I will never permit it." He clasped his hands on the table.

"I did not come here to ask for permission, father." I replied. 

His eyes shifted, he clearly did not expect me to answer in such a way. The lines on his face became much clearer as he said, 

"Alright, let me ask you. Why are you so keen in doing this?" 

Of course he already expected what I came here for. News had spread faster than the plague.

I raised my chin a little higher. "It is because I am the only one who can." 

The Duke scoffed mockingly. "Do not be ridiculous. You are still a child." He said, gazing at me with uninterested eyes. "You're no warrior. Answer me. Do you have what it takes to kill someone?" 

Every single word was a needle jabbed into my chest. I didn't allow myself to blink even once.

"I will learn how to fight." I answered as if I was untroubled. 

My father let out a low laugh as he swept back his neatly kept dark hair. "Your enemies will not wait for you while you 'learn', Calla."

"Then I will do it quickly." I straightened my shoulders. "The Emperor told me to live at the palace and he will have me trained by the academy." 

The Duke pressed his lips into a thin line. "What makes you think that I will allow you that?"

"Nothing and I don't need you to. I just wanted you to know."

"That is enough. You will do as I say for I am your father." he retorted. 

"Only recently though." You chose to pay attention to me once I had finally done something good for the East. 

The Duke's eyes widened with rage. He jabbed a finger towards my direction. "Y-you disrespectful…!" 

I did my best to keep a complacent face. 

My father exhaled exasperatingly and closed his eyes. "Go to your room. I do not have the time to deal with my foolish daughter's attitude problems."

And what makes you think that I want to deal with you too? In truth, I am supposed to be a grown woman who is able to choose her own decisions.

For all this time, I had merely played the role of the obedient daughter who longed for a life with no worries. Now that I realize that I cannot escape my problems, I will face them head on.

"You can't stop me, father." My voice was almost in a warning tone.

"Do not make me say any more than this, Calla. I thought you have finally learned your lesson, did you not tell me that you would behave from now on?"

I clenched my jaw before replying. "This is not one of my childish impulses." I implied. "During our first dinner after ten years, you told me that if the goddess had gifted me with unique powers that set me above any other descendant out there… you said that you'd definitely have my back… I thought you, of all people, would support me on this."

"This is clearly a matter beyond what I said, Calla." he blurted out.

"It is the same thing." 

"Must I spoon-feed you the things you ought to know as well?" He leaned on his chair, massaging his temple. "You have a responsibility to uphold here in the East. That life you want does not suit you. Leave that job of eradicating the empire's enemy to another person who has no other priorities of their own." 

"I would do that if only I was not the only one who is capable, father." I exhaled deeply. "And I know the weights of my responsibility here. It's just that I have decided that I will have both responsibilities at the same time." 

The Duke shook his head. "It is impossible to do two things at once." 

"Then I will make it possible." 

And with that, I turned away and walked out of the room. I was expecting my father to shout, maybe throw something at the back of my head, or probably order a servant to lock me up in my room. But instead he said,

"Do not come back here crying and telling me that I was right all along."