Do it

We sat on the table to the farthest right—less conspicuous, less to attract attention. Erion, Lavi and Prince Alistair sat across, while I was in between Sein and Althea. Keeping our hoods off, we relied on Lavi's spell that altered our faces. It didn't entirely change our appearance, but the magic merely blurred our features from the people's sights just so that they won't remember that we've been here. 

My mouth watered at the aroma of the steaming hot foods in front of us—savory bacon, orange-wine beef, turkey leg, cream soup and cheesecakes with whipped cream on top for desert. There was a strange fuzzy blue drink called the Seafoam Shake—The Red Arch specialty. 

"Did we order too much?" asked Lavi as he folded his robe's sleeve towards him. 

Prince Alistair shook his head once. "You should eat your fill as much as you can. We won't be stopping anymore on our way—I fear we might even arrive at near dawn."