It's my fault

"The Phantom Thief is a woman?" Erion asked, still unable to acknowledge the fact.

"I'm not even sure… maybe she's a young girl instead of a woman. The voice didn't feel like that of a woman's. But also not too young." I replied, remembering the chilling feeling of her mouth close to my ears.

The town was crowded with townspeople and businessmen alike, going through their normal daily lives. Chatters and booming voices filled the air as storeowners advertised their products to each passerby.

Talking to each other while walking, we were still clad in cloaks as we waded through the sea of people to head back to the inn.

"A young adult." said Prince Alistair. His voice was set.

I could only nod. At least the Phantom Thief has a gender now. Her cheeky and cocky tone kept on playing inside my head—sending slithering chills up my spine every time I recall it.