Leave this town

I found myself facing Erion as I sat on the bed with my arms crossed.

The prince's brows knitted instantly when his gaze landed upon the untouched food that had magically appeared the night before. He let out a breath, "Such a rebellious teenager."

"Stop talking like an old man." I glared at him. "And don't talk to me."

"Look, I know you're mad­—"

"Must I repeat myself? "

A stung expression flashed through his face. The black-haired prince only pursed his lips and turned away, bringing with him the silver tray of uneaten food.

As the door slammed shut, I instantly closed my eyes and dropped my body aggressively on the mattress. Guilt pricked my conscience at the way I spoke to Erion.

Shire purred from beside me. I picked him up and held him a few inches from my face, his feline eyes glinting like the blue sky due to the rays of the sun that entered the room.

"I have a number of reasons to get mad."