Trusting a criminal

Lavi's POV

She stood there, arms hung sideways. The glow had wrapped whole around the girl in front of me, urging her to become one with it. Her hair, the color of snow and just as lovely as it, was now nearly invisible in the thick haze of brilliance.

I forced my eyes to stay open even if it burnt. It was goddamn painful just by staring at her.

Something was wrong. It should have been done by now and it's taking way longer than the previous ones. It just kept going—she kept going.

Fear slowly engulfed me, pressing alarms of warning signs. I quickly went to face her, not caring about the searing sting in my eyes that called forth welled-up tears. 

Here she was—light-blue eyes glassy and unfocused. She was clearly lost in her power. The sight of her startled every inch of me. Her mana was draining fast.

This idiot, no matter how beautiful you look right now, you still need to stop.