The night before

Erion and I strode down the hallways, my fingers perched on top his arm. Since I was now wearing heels, I could level up to his ears. The ends of the gown and cape rustled against the marble floor of the palace, courtiers and servants bowing at each step of ours. Everyone would say that we had made such a lovely pair. We laughed it off.

At the sight of the staircase leading to the ground floor, I grimaced. Thankfully, Erion was kind enough to lift the hem of my gown and cape as we patiently descended. I made especially sure not to trip, each landing of my feet securing my own balance and weight. It was still a long way down, if I would fall I'd be a tangle of broken bones and limbs—I shook off the terrible thought.

Clutching my skirt with Erion behind me, we managed to arrive at the middle point of the stairs. The prince had been careful not to allow me to walk on my gown since earlier.