The fragile girl

Lavi's POV

There it was. The crack on Yuno's complacent demeanor. As if talking about her family swelled up her rage, causing the mask of pride and indifference she had put up to collapse.

After a taking a few breaths, Yuno returned to her serpentine way of smiling. "That is all. Is there anything else?"

The emperor nodded approvingly, his aura the same kind of calm and collected as it was earlier. Everyone else went pale, unease and distraught looming over the air around us. Except for him. "None of the matter. Your help is greatly appreciated, Princess Yuno."

Yuno's lips curled as she bowed, clearly satisfied. "I am glad, your highness."

The emperor roamed his gaze around the table. "Would anyone of you like to say something?"

One of the members of the Elder Council lifted a trembling hand, lips quivering as the old man said, "How can we hope for a teenage girl to stop this kind of dark and enormous force?"