We started out badly

Calla's POV

I'd been sitting in the tub for an hour. Going over places I was done scrubbing so I could have an excuse of not getting out yet. Five minutes ago, I gave in and decided to just stare at nothing in particular. My mind was torn between doing something to keep me occupied and never walking out of the bathing chamber.

This morning, I woke up to Lavi almost done picking up the all the Blessed Candles. Technically, he had them floating in the air, and then made them dive into a basket.

It didn't take me long to recall the strange vision I saw last night and that "thing" with Sein. And how I completely forgot that he had left to fetch me something to eat. I felt guilty, cursing myself at my stupidity for treating him like that.

Before I could even open my mouth—even though I was mostly unsure on what to say to him—he'd said, "We met in the hallways earlier. He said he didn't want to wake you up."