
How was I supposed to respond to that? The night before the ritual he'd said—

"I know what I said and I don't plan on taking it back, Calla." He dragged a hand through his dark-blue hair in agitation. "I was happy that you didn't push me away after I confessed and I thought I would be content with staying close to you, that I could still be happy if I can be with you like this… as your friend. Turns out, it was harder than I expected it to be."

I lacked the guts to lift my head and face him, to look him in the eyes and tell him. But I wanted to say it. I had to. "Lavi, I'm sorry. I really am. But I can't return your feelings. I can only accept them. Truth is, Sein and I—"

"I'm aware." he said outright with a monotone voice. "I know that the both of you are together."

My head instantly flicked toward him, "How?"