The estranged brothers

"Would you like me to teleport you to your room?" Lavi asked after we'd agreed to be done for the day.

I'd almost gotten a hang of erasing my magical energy, though I can still hide just a fraction of it. Well, a start was a start.

The sunset was visible through the window, the sky a painting of purple and pink hues. Indeed, teleporting would be much easier considering the ringing exhaustion in my limbs. But I felt like having a stroll through the walkway leading to the palace.

Hanging the satchel over my shoulder, I protested politely. "I've always wanted to walk home from the academy. Will you send me to the grounds instead?"

"Can I walk with you then?"

I clamped my lips together as my hands fidgeted on the strap. "That's kind of you. But I think I'd like to do it alone. Don't get me wrong. It's just that the sunset looks nice—"