Their betrayal

"Calla," Lavi called out, stricken with utter horror. "This is nothing. Forget about what you saw." 

I clenched my fists, nails digging halfmoons on my palms. For some reason, I was becoming more and more irritated at him. 

What was he so afraid of? What doesn't he want me to know? After all those talks we had, of promising to stop keeping secrets from each other, we'd still managed to come back to this. Right from the start, back to square one. 

He's been so indecisive, going back and forth from his own words. 

But I am already so tired. My soul weary and exhausted with all the lies. I've changed, after all. I could no longer tolerate things like these much further. 

I was done. Sick of all the shit they've been giving me. Sick of them making me think as though I was some fragile rose, blown by the wind at the slightest passing breeze.