Their dedicated hearts

Lavi's POV

"What are you?" Yuno asked, moonlight travelling along the edges of the crescent-shaped blade and the feathers on her staff. 

"Are you that curious?" asked the the one called Dark Sorcerer by the King earlier. 

The King, whose cold body now stared on the ceiling of the cave with his lifeless eyes. Even now, my hairs were still standing with how Althea had easily brought him down without a second thought. 

Then I remembered. If Yuno, Kei, Althea and Len had been here since earlier, simply waiting for the right timing to appear, then Althea must have seen how her sister was beaten up by these people. The moment she got the chance, she went straight for the kill. 

"Maybe," said Yuno. "Care to share your secrets, Black Heretic?"