A curse

How much time had passed? 

I didn't really know. My sense of time had long disappeared the moment we arrived in the palace. 

Or was it when the Archwizard came to meet us? 

How much longer do I have to stare at this large door? How much longer do I have to wait for another person to come out of that room only to look at me with dismay as they shake their heads? 

When was he going to wake up? 

A pair of green eyes appeared in front of me. Had she been looking at me for a while? Did I not notice? 

She's saying something. But my gaze search for the door, my neck craned to get a look. I ignored the girl in front of me. 

She took my wrist and led me somewhere, my feet moving on their own. My attention glued at the door. 

It's been too long since someone went out. I wonder what's happening inside. Why was I not allowed inside? Perhaps I'd feel better if I saw him. Even if he couldn't see me.