As he sent his message, Ron had mixed feelings. He knew that it was not something he should say but he couldn't help it. He really didn't have the financial ability to take her out at such a place. If this woman cared more about the place that she ate that than eating with him, well, it would mean that she wouldn't have been the right one for him anyway.

He waited anxiously for a message to come but none arrived. After a moment, he simply gave up and moved on. And that's around that time that it beeped. He reacted quickly and opened his wrist-com. It was a reply. He opened it and smiled brightly.

She said in her message that it was fine and since she was the one inviting, she would be the one to pay. He only had to be there on time. He did not hesitate to send an answer, promising to be there.

As she received his answer mere seconds after sending her own, she chuckled. He gave her the feeling that he truly wanted to meet her and, to be honest, she didn't dislike the feeling.

When it came to spending some money on their dinner, she didn't mind it either. She would have spent at the club otherwise anyways. She kept wondering how he would be like tonight and remained constantly half-distracted at work. Needless to say, she didn't do much during the day.

After promising to come, Ron went back to school and joined for the remaining lessons as he arrived. He was late but he had a medical excuse for it so no one made it difficult for him.

He believed that learning was a must in order to be successful in live. Everything related to knowledge had to be comprehended, even if it took time. Everything he learnt might not ever have a use but if one day he needed a particular knowledge and didn't have it, he would regret it if it had been something taught to him.

The only thing he discarded was knowledge related to fighting. The sparring lessons. After all, regardless of how many augments one got, would they have the ability to punch bombs away? Of course not. He didn't see the point to that lesson.

All the classes in which he sat and was taught with words, he was studious. Seemingly one of the most hard-working during the lesson. He was doing his best.

And today, the entire timetable was filled with such classes. Yet, for once, he was unable to remain focus. He was giddy about tonight. He kept thinking of it. His mind imagined how his date would go many times, creating new scenarios one after another.

At the end of the school day, he realized that he managed to fail himself and had been unable to even take down notes correctly. He sighed as he walked back to his dorm room. Once inside, he couldn't help but check his closet in order to find the outfit for the night. The thing was that there was nothing correct… According to the restaurant homepage, formal wear was required…He didn't have such a thing.

He became stressed and hurried out.

He wouldn't have to pay the meal but he ended up forced to go buy a new outfit. In the end, he would still be spending money… But, surprisingly, as he bought his new suit, he had a smile on his face. He didn't mind it.

The time arrived and he left his dorm room sporting an elegant black suit over a blue shirt. He took the public transportation and arrived a little early in front of the restaurant.

He waited for her but did not see her arrive.

Five to eight.

Then eight.

Then eight and five minutes…

He was so anxious that he sent her a message: "I'm in front"

He received a reply seconds later: "I'm already waiting for you inside, just say that you're my guest at the entrance"

He cursed silently. It seemed like he ended up making her wait for him. He went towards the entrance and a valet pulled the door open for him.

He ended up in a luxurious room decorated harmoniously with magnificent paintings. A middle-aged man in a suit behind a counter welcomed him politely. He stated the reason for his arrival and ended up rebuked. The man behind the counter judged his outfit to be inadequate. Ron was surprised as he went to buy a formal outfit specially for it. He glanced at himself and couldn't help asking why.

Before an argument could happen, another man in a suit arrived. He asked what was going on and the man behind the counter did not hesitate to state his reason for banning entrance to Ron. The man that just arrived was the manager. He sized Ron and nodded before he spoke just like the other. Ron was embarrassed and didn't know what to do.

That's when Jade appeared sighing. She whispered: "I knew it would happen" before walking next to Ron.

He looked at her and his eyes couldn't help but stay there. She was beautiful. Her brown hair was straightened and tied into a ponytail, her face was lightly and expertly made-up and she wore a blue dress that made her look divine.

Ron didn't even hear the three talking and spurted out his thoughts unconsciously: "You're beautiful"

The three stopped speaking and Jade chuckled. She slapped his shoulder gently while smiling before turning back towards the manager and telling him: "I believe Manager Han would never have rudely stopped my guest at the entrance"

The manager was sweating profusely as he bowed: "Of course not! I wouldn't dare! It is but a misunderstanding, Miss Wiggins. My sincerest apologies for the delay, Sir. Please, Jeremy will lead you back to your table"

Not only did he apologize, he did so in such a polite way that even Ron understood that Jade wasn't your run-of-the-mill woman.

It seemed like she wasn't done however: "I believe this won't ever happen again and some show of sincerity is required, don't you, Manager Han?"

Manager Han was still bowing as he spoke with a business smile: "Of course, of course, Miss Wiggins! Jeremy, bring a good wine for Miss Wiggins and her guest, on the house!"

She nodded at them before turning to Ron with a bright smile and asking him: "Shall we?"

He nodded.