Then, the waiter came back with two plates that he dropped in front of each of them gently. Ron's was some kind of soup with a few floating pieces of things. He hadn't expected that but then again, he didn't mind something new. As for Jade, she had been served a plate of seasoned eggs along with a few toasts.

The two of them smiled as they began to eat their respective dishes while the waiter excused himself politely.

A few bites later, Ron could only admit that Jade had been right. That thing was delicious. He didn't know what it was but he liked the taste of it. He told her: "This Autumn fish is really tasty. Your advice was spot on"

She laughed as she informed him: "This isn't the Autumn fish, it's the hors d'oeuvres! The fish will come in next"

Ron was slightly embarrassed about his mistake but ended up laughing it off along with her. Her beautiful face managed to not only calm him down but also enabled him to laugh along, forgetting his shame.

After they stopped laughing and she began to sip the vine, he said: "It's tasty though, what is it?"

She gulped some more before answering him: "Fish soup. Not sure what the ingredients are"

He nodded. He was rather interested in finding out. Maybe he could one day make it himself? That being said, he would have to prepare a lot more of it for this quantity was simply not enough. As his thoughts were starting to develop, Jade brought him back to the present by asking him: "I talked a lot about myself but I'm rather curious about you too. So~ Who are you, Mr Ron~?"

They both chuckled at her phrasing before he answered: "Well, Miss Jade, I am an engineer"

She opened her eyes wide in surprise. She didn't expect him to be an engineer. Engineers were rather respected in this era since everything revolved around mechanics. Being an engineer meant wealth and respect wherever you went. She found it suspicious though. He seemed too young to be one though even engineers were once young… And it was weird that he was so awkward with things here and even poor if he really was an engineer.

Was he lying to look good? No, it didn't seem like he was that kind of guy.

So then, what was it? She got curious and asked: "You don't feel like one"

He smirked. The magic of engineering was really effective at all times. But he still planned to clarify things since there was no need to keep up any kinds of charade. He explained: "I worked as a car engineer for six months while studying engineering. I'm only studying now though"

She nodded as it made more sense…Wait. No. It did not. He worked as an engineer while still in the midst of his studies? The gaze she looked at him with changed. Unknowingly, she began to consider him as a knowledgeable man. Beyond that, she had many more questions about him. She wasn't aware of it but, at that moment, she was curious about him. She wanted to know more of him.

She asked eagerly: "Well, tell me more!"

He smiled as he began to speak of his time as a car engineer, not bothering hiding what he did and making her laugh from time to time.

While they were happily discussing his past, the next plates arrived. She teased him about his being the real autumn fish this time. It was all in good fun without hidden meanings.

They both enjoyed the meal greatly while they kept chatting. After some time, she curiously asked him about his mechanical arm.

The answer was not something she expected. When he told her that he was a survivor of the terrorist attack, the atmosphere shifted. She thought she touched a sensitive topic and cursed herself for doing so, thinking that the mood would be dampened. But it didn't. He explained about it seriously still with a smile on his face. It made her feel like he was already over it. Like it was a thing of the past. She couldn't even imagine how this was possible… She wanted to ask more but felt like she shouldn't. It might be too impolite and could bring some sourness. She didn't want either. She tried to restrain her curiosity.

And Ron noticed it.

He found it cute. And to be honest, he did not mind talking about it. He was far from over it and it would forever be a part of him. But that didn't mean it had to become a taboo and a shackle. He stated: "You can ask me whatever you want, you know. Don't feel shy"

She smiled awkwardly before courageously asking: "How did it feel?"

He organized his thoughts for a moment before he answered her: "Painful. Extremely so. I lost everything I had and knew after all. It made me learnt to treasure what I have in the present and now, I'm trying to look forward to the future as well"

She had a sad smile on her face as she continued to ask: "Isn't it hard?"

He nodded and added: "It is. But the past won't change. I won't forget but it shouldn't be all that I am either"

They both smiled at each other. She was full of respect for him now. His words sounded real and truthful and that made it even more impactful. She reflexively took her glass of vine and he picked his own as he asked: "Is this good?"

She nodded as she encouraged him to try. He did. He found the taste rather peculiar yet new. It wasn't the tastiest drink he ever had but it wasn't bad at all. As he drank, she asked him incredulously: "Is it your first time drinking vine?"

He nodded.

Seeing how confused she remained, he added: "I have always been rather poor since young"