

I wondered around the endless field searching for civilization. I knew 318 had won the war, the very planet I stood on was a symbol of their victory. It wasn't Earth, it was something else. How I'm alive is a mystery.

I kept walking to a familiar sight. Only this time not destroyed. It were as if it was reborn. I returned to Raccoon City.

I found myself walking the empty streets. Surrounded by empty walls. I remembered my failure to get my revenge. Revenge on Project Alice. Creating her was a mistake. But that mistake can be undone. I shall resume control of Umbrella and strike.

I made my way to the Hospital and entered the secret door. This door lead to an underground elevator that connects with the Hive. I found the Elevator and entered the destroyed facility. I'll create an advanced clone and destroy them once and for all. One of my blood that will destroy Alice. I alone, I am Gods Vessel I must complete my mission.

Test Subjects name: Cat Felicia Valentine

DOB: June 26, 1993

Nationality: Spanish-American

Age: 12

Eye color: Brown

Hair color: Red

Skin tone: mixed

Height: 4'2

The Data would be imprinted into her mind. She'd have memory of who her mother was. Who I am to her. Her purpose is to destroy the past.

My past. Now she would grow up to be better than me. I made mistakes but this time, I can fix them. But...

I don't know what I feel inside, Jp saved my soul. Yet after what I did to him and he's comrades. He let me live. Why?

I remembered his words.

"Now your one of Us"

He had forgiven me. After all that I did?


"Your still in one piece"


"Explain" I needed to know what had happened after my demise.

*Jp and the rest of his Allies have created a planet unlike Earth, able to sustain human life, Earth however is under a time lock, healing from the exposure of the T-virus. Soon After that, mankind will go to live on Earth within 20 years. Your not the Isaacs that had control of Umbrella*

"I am me, there's no one else, I'm not with Umbrella I've changed my resolve to a better place, I'm a scientist, not a soldier, I fought a battle I knew I couldn't win, until I met that..."


"I destroyed it"

*Your here because of JP, his device is the very reason we are here now*

I sat down watching the data sync with Cats Memory. She would grow learning about the wonders of both worlds.

*Dr.Isaacs, It appears Jp wants to meet with you*

I didn't know what to say, what will he think of the cryropod. "Let him in"

The Door Opened and he entered, I only stared. "Dr. Isaacs, never thought I'd find you here"

"Of course you would, if not where can I go?"

"I see your still in the clone making business, you know that won't sit well with any of us, I didn't come here to fight"

"She's not a Clone, she's my daughter, my blood, I have two options finish what I started or let go"

His eyes were filled with shock, "it seems we all want the same thing, to give the human race a second chance"

"You gave me a second chance, after all I did, I don't know what I feel or want, I want to destroy her, She needs to die"

"Alice has died more times over than you than me than everyone around her, you I'm still debating on if I should let you live, killing your other self yes you are like us, Destroyed inside by Umbrella and you want to resume control of the dead corporation!" Jp stood up and pasted himself back and forth. He was uneasy.

"A better Tomorrow can only be done if we blow away the ashes of the past, what can I do? What am I?"

"One your like Alice, Your other self was going to kill you next don't you understand that?!!! THE WAR IS OVER, UMBRELLA IS GONE, I don't want to Kill you, I see the good in you, you just don't know it, killing you and Wesker will make us no different than Umbrella"

"My Right, My will, my faith"

"Your faith is what got you Killed by your own creation! Isaacs reason with me, if you really want to destroy her, me Everyone, then you do me first"

He gave me the blade I put through him once. He stood in front of me waiting for me to strike. "Do it! If this is what you want then you seek it out, God is giving you your chance this is your miracle, bless your self with thy blade, do it!" I held the knife but I remembered My severed hand, my fever, my sickness. I would have became my own creation. The undead.

I threw the knife towards the glass behind me. I was Powerless. I was lost. Of all the shit I had done, no not me, the monstrous clone! It wasn't me. It was him. "If I do this, what would you say"

"I'm willing to forgive you and trust you, don't you think this war is over"

*Dr. Isaacs, Cats vitals are climbing*

I walked over to her. "You don't want her in a word of the Dead, war, chaos"

"She's my daughter, I want in 318, my place, my belonging, I can't bear the fact that I have nothing"

"Your not alone, you have all of us, and yes i need you in exploring the planet a lot more, Doctor"

I held his hand and we shook, "after what I did, I want to be rid of this pain, this memory"

I looked back at Cat, she was sleeping. Her vitals are fine. "A she?"

"Cat Valentine, before the War, me my wife, and her, were driving, then a truck hit us, rammed us off the road, I tried to crawl to them, they screamed as they were burned alive, I couldn't save them"

Jp shuddered, he understood what had caused me to go to Umbrella. "I'm me but those are my memories, not his, not that filth! No one would help me, no one came to me, which is why I hated mankind so much, why I believed to be Gods vessel, his flood"

He understood why and sat in a chair. "We have to push on, for a better beginning, I believe today is that day, I am so sorry about your family, I truly am"

He was like everyone else apologizing for my sorrow. "Save it, do you have any idea what it's like losing everything"

He sighed, "when I was a small boy, I sailed the titanic with my mother, my father had abandoned us, never saw him after that, Ship hit the iceberg, We made it to a boat, we sailed but no one came, then six days after sailing on the sea, we finally reach the beaches of Destin, Florida. I was still alive, not even sick, my mother, she was dying, she was my only hope, then she died, I was alone and had no one, not a soul in sight, just me, i was alone, thought I'd be alone till this day, but that made me stronger, I met Dee, Sierra, John then Myka, they were all just like me"

I realized the weight on his shoulders was more than I thought.

"I never felt so Alone"

"Your not Alone, your one of us now"

He held out his hand, "Isaacs, I want you to join us, not just 318, but our cause to save Humanity, your smarter than any one of us, help us perfect our World"

He and I shook Hands. I looked at The vitals. "Wesker is still Alive, we need to find him and get him to leave the past behind, we need to let him know that this War is Over"

"Then we shall find him, help me get her to safety"

"Already done, let's move"

We pushed the capsule towards the doors and the first person I saw was Alice. "Alice, don't" Jp tried to tell her. She held me at gun point. "It's alright Alice he's with us, Dee help me with this"

"Step aside we need to kill the subject before he can set it loose"


I pulled out my knife, "you come anywhere near her you'll die where you stand"

John stepped up, "Then allow me to seal that fate"

Jp has stepped through, "ENOUGH!"

"You know what he is doing!"

"I know"

"Then why are you defending him"

"He is one of us now, and for fuck sake, that's his daughter right there, not just some clone! She is the reason the damn War Started! His wife, his daughter died in a car wreck, the world turned his back on him and Umbrella came to him and had none of that shit actually happened RACCOON CITY WOULD STILL BE STANDING LIKE IT IS NOW AND WE WOULDNT BE HERE!"

"That doesn't justify him for the shit he's done"

"IT WASNT ME!" I yelled.

"Step aside Jp"



"NO! You kill her then you restart it all over again, we'd be no different from Umbrella!"

"I'm not doing this for me, I'm doing this for this planet"

Alice tried to shoot me I defended Cat but Jp stepped in front of me taking the bullet. I watched in shocked.

Jp coughed and stood up, he was hurt. "Jp?"

Alice looked Worried and concerned, "Get off me!" He shoved away from Alice and came to the side of the capsule and leaned over in pain. She backed away with a pleading expression.

Jp helped me push the capsule with me into a nearby chopper then he looked up and held his hand up. He had caught a missile heading for the chopper and tossed it to the side. "Wesker"

Jp held out a fiery green laser blade and saw a Tank approaching. Then a barrage of missiles destroyed the chopper and sent everybody to the ground. I stood up covering Cat. Her body structure had been complete she was asleep. "Isaacs! You left me to die in the Hive after you ran like a Coward now I will return the favor!"

He ran up to me kicked at my leg and swatted at me to the side. I got up and kicked at his leg and upper cut him in the face. Then I threw a jab into his stomach and kicked him back. "I no longer have Umbrella I have 318, I killed the real Isaacs now there is only me"

"Worthless copy of my hatred"

Then He ran up to me and swung, I dodged him and threw a jab into his jaw.

He stumbled and kicked at my ribs. I fell to the ground and coughed. "Die" he was about to stomp on me until Jp appeared punching Wesker twice then Wesker kicked at his leg and swatted at Jp making him lose focus. I grabbed Alice's gun and fired at Wesker dropping him down. I coughed and crawled to Jp and tried to see if he was breathing. "Jp? Hey come on wake up"

"Ugh! How is she?"

A hologram of Ruth appeared.

*Vitals are normal, she will be fully active in one day, three hours, and 33 minutes and counting*

"Let's get out of here"