

*️⃣*️⃣*️⃣*️⃣*️⃣ Jp's POV

We returned to Erathropia, Capital of Colossus. I sat in a army hut beside the capsule. Alice walked over to me.

I only ignored her, "Jp I'm really sorry, I let my past get the best of me, I don't trust him you know, it's just too much for me to handle"

"You shoot me again you better hope I die, because I'm not Wesker or Anyone else"

"This is pointless and this is bullshit"

"You gonna bullshit me too John, because how bout we go right now"

John stood where he was at studying Me, I was serious. Dee came in between us, "can all of you motherfuckers get a fucking grip, fuck man, Jp hear me out they're all bad"

"That's what you said back at Umbrella Prime, look at Rain now"

Dee shot a glance at me, "now you listen to me you son of a bitch, had you steered her from going to umbrella she wouldn't have die in the first place"

"Your blaming her death on me, what about Carlos, LJ, or K-mart, crystal, did you feel for them too"


"No no you didn't, because you pinned everybody on me Just like Monty"

"We're not keepers"

"That's for damn sure"

I got out of the hut and went outside to Isaacs who slept beside the capsule. I kicked at his leg. "No rest for the wiery, we got a job to do" I held my side and was still in pain. My wound has never healed all the way and I was bleeding bad. "I think you need to get that looked at" Isaacs pointed out.

"No no I'm not the priority, she is" I pointed to Cat.

I heard Alice, John, Myka and Dee walked out. "Jp your losing to much blood" Isaacs was worrying too much.

"It doesn't matter, stop just st....argh"

I felt a pull to the capsule and groaned in pain. I gasped in pain, I saw the child's hand on the glass and gasped in terrible pain.

"Are you alright?" Isaacs lifted me up

I looked at the capsule and at my wound. I was shocked, I had no power like that. Not even Wesker did. "My wound..." Isaacs what kind of power does she really have?

"She healed you"

I looked at the Capsule and held out my hand, "don't worry, I'm trying to thank her"

I reached into her mind and saw hills of green. Then I saw her as Clear as day. She looked at my wounded spot. "Thank You Cat"

She only smiled.

I found myself standing back in front of the hut. "She's a miracle"

I smiled, then turned around and saw everyone else staring in wonder. "Thank The child, I forgave you and Isaacs"

I only walked to a approaching car. It was Sierra and the kids. The kids ran up to me and I held both of them up. Sierra was only staring at Isaacs in fear. "Sierra it's fine, let's go home" I told her getting in the car. "Jp"

I felt annoyed, "what is it now? I'm done scolding already"


"Yeah I was actually trying to shoot Isaacs but Ended up shooting Jp" Alice Quickly explained.

"What?!" Sierra was mad.

"Then We all got into it" Dee put it all out there.

"Alice, I can't believe you right now" Sierra has a dark sense of humor and I loved it.

"But it's fine though I could have bled out" I looked at my wound. Perfectly healed.

"You don't have to say that" myka pointed out.

"Well Alice shot me, John Pushed me then Dee set me off, myka your the only who kept your mouth closed the entire time"

"What?" Myka looked up angered by this. "Still debating whether to Just kick your ass" I looked directly at John who smiled and shook his head. "You don't want that fight Jp"

John just stepped back and walked away from my sight. "Now you've done it, John!"

"Not my problem, even the brute of Russia still has his head up his ass doesn't know what to do"

"Hey hey hey, the kids" Sierra quickly pinched my arm.

"Well if you were shot by one of your own comrades I'd be pissed too" I whispered loud.

"That's your brother" she was trying to calm me down.

"Never bullshit me, then maybe he'll understand why I'm in charge of 318 and not him" I threatened him with his epic fail.

"OKAY THATS IT!" He yelled running towards me.

I felt a jab thrown towards me from John. I fell to my knee then blocked his kick and punch then punched him the stomach twice then swung up and used my power to fling him to the ground. "Stop! That's enough!" Sierra called out.

John had picked up a large rock and was about to slam me with it. I used my power to freeze the rock. Then activated my blade cutting the rock in half. Then he went for my arm and I didn't swing at him. I head butted him and forced him back to the ground. I aimed my saber at his chest. He only stared at me, I saw what I was doing and felt ashamed. John was my brother. I turned off my blade and threw it to the ground. " I'm done" this was futile. I'm better than this.

My children only watched in horror and back away and Sierra did the same. I had felt shame and pain. I only walked away. I didn't look back. Never wanted to evoke fear towards my children. This was saddening to bear.

I found myself walking for hours and saw a familiar sight. A place that should not be here. The airfield, where we all met. Where it all began, I was no better than Umbrella. I had became a tyrant believing in doing the right thing. I sat inside the building remembering what all had taken place here. Then my vision was blurry and clouded. I saw only Cat Valentine.

"Hello there young one"

She only smiled again , "aren't you supposed to be sleep?"

She nodded yes. "I guess it's okay, they must have sent you to find me. Alone"

She nodded no. I realized she was using her power to communicate with me. "Can you speak?"

She nodded no, "awwww, once your walking I'll teach you"

She nodded yes, she looked worried, "im ok I'm really fine I just need to sit out for a bit"

She smiled. Then she rubbed my shoulder. I almost teared up. "Thank you Cat"

She smiled and then I heard footsteps.

"Finding you is beginning to become a sport" Wesker was still alive.

"Ugh! Not now Wesker, I'm not in the mindset right now, but how are you still alive again?"

"You brought me back and i only needed to know why" He stood his back turned against me.

"I know why I brought back Isaacs but you blank slate, You do realize the war is over, Umbrella is gone, no undead or any evil abomination, I can start over and live happy"

Wesker leaned on a wall, he wore all black including he's shades. "Sitting out for now but you have no idea how much I hate you"

"If I didn't wouldn't I be dead?"

I joked. He looked up at me. Eyes were red. "So that's how it is" I stood up and saw that Cat was still there. "Finishing you will be a start"

"Perhaps we can take a walk"

He made a fist, "yeah probably not" I sighed, "fine let's make this quick and painful" I threatened.

I stood up out of the chair. He leaped in the air and smashed the pillar. I had stepped out the way. "The test subject Isaacs created, I will have control over it and use it to start a new arms race"

"By building a new umbrella, your twisted mind is under the influence of the t-virus, your still a talking zombie"

"Then here's a side note, humans are no match for zombies"

He swung at me, I felt the blow to my face then was kicked into the wall. I coughed and spit out blood. Wesker was about to smash me in the face but I saw Cat had froze his attack. "Cat?"

She was too young to be using her powers, she'd had to be awake now. "What's happening?" He struggled to break my skull in two.

"The subject has a name, she won't let you attack me" I exhaled slowly.

"Remarkable at such an early stage, if I had that power I could have full control over the t-virus and even more than Alice" still pursing that plan through the hunger via the t-virus.

"I will kill you if you touch her"

He laughed, "I'll just kill you first"

We fought on, this fight was tiring. Harder because I no longer had my blade.

"Still fighting for your lost cause" he kept talking on and on. "Have I ever told you I'm sick of your BULLSHIT!"

He slammed on my head, I felt the blood dripping from my nose. I caught his kick, "my cause got me here didn't it" I countered attacked.

I threw a jab at his neck then kicked him in the chest and double kicked him into the pillar. He groaned in pain. Then used his speed to overwhelm me. I elbowed him in the back of the neck making him stumble into the crates of Ammo boxes. I lit a match and watch him struggle to move. I flicked the lighter down and got behind a pillar as the bullets sprang out everywhere. He had sustained injuries all over. He was gritting his teeth at me and swatted me to the ground. I fell on my head and tried to move until he grabbed me by my throat. Cat used her power again and she threw a Grenade. I used my power to pull the pin then brace for the explosion.

Me and Wesker were sent flying out of the building. "Thank you Cat but I think I've had enough"

Wesker was steaming, his arm was scorched and his eyes flaming orange.

"It's My turn!"

I used my power to freeze him and cat tossed a barrel at him and used another Grenade to shatter him and the barrel. I fell back and crawled to the truck. I started it and by Miracle there was gas in the truck. I floored it and headed home. Evading Wesker, I knew a few flames wouldn't kill him. I was bleeding from the nose and had bruises on my chest and arms. I think my collarbone was shattered. I couldn't move my right arm that well. I was breathing hard and slow. I needed to get home. Cat looked at me worried, I smiled to reassure her I was fine. She looked determined to wake up. She was just a vision in my head since she's still sleeping. She used a great deal of her power. She'll be up by now.