As soon as that thought crossed my mind, the world had gone dark. I don't want to go through what I did again.

I was back in the white world but something was off. The atmosphere made me light-headed. Is that even possible? Wanting to get it over with I walked up to the young girl I took the green glove and she held my hand. It was tight.

Waking up in a white bed I sit up and stretch my arms. Looking around the room it was clean, too clean if I must add. I got out of bed and walked to the door. I was about to touch the knob but retracted it, but it was out of instinct? I don't know why but it felt like I was gonna get sick if I would have touched it. So I looked around the room and saw a pair of white gloves and a mask, I put them on and walked back to the door and opened it.

Outside the room was a hallway much different from the room behind me. The walls were painted a muted green and there were pictures hanging on them.

It reminded my of a old school that I read about. It was in 1874, children were killed by these kids. I stepped out of the room onto a porcelain floor with an color of an oak wood tree print on it. On the floor was a pair of black school shoe with a note in it. Putting them on, I opened the note.

There was nothing on it.


I descend further down the hallway and open a random door, and what I saw was not what I expected.

There were 4 children in chairs tied up. It was something I didn't expect to see. They were crying, I grew angry.

I walked out and shut the door, slamming it, behind me and went down the stairs. The hallway was pretty simple with grey doors with golden handles.

Something felt off.

It looked like the door were recently opened. I opened the door closets to me. Bodies. So much blood, so many chairs toppled over. And the only one alive was a boy. He looked to be 15. Turning around he just walked past me and down the stairs.

I feel calm, I feel relived? I, confused, sigh and walk out of the classroom and walk into the next one. It had marble countertops with the color of emerald. A cooking class. The cabinets were made of a birch tree. I had never seen such a beautiful combination in a kitchen before. Then I saw it.

A girl that looks to be the same age as the boy, but there was a pitch-black figure behind her. It was a color that absorbed light like Vanta black, while the girl had brown eyes with short orange hair.

That figure behind her was peaking from behind a corner. It had wide eyes the color of the world I just came from; White. Now that I look at it that was its only feature. It had no mouth, no nose, nothing. After a few seconds, it quickly went behind the wall and never peaked back. It was creepy and weird.

I now was on edge. The girl turned around and began dragging a body of a man, a teacher I assumed. She took a butchers knife and cut off his fingers, one by one.

It didn't bother me.

Opening the silver fridge I take out butter. Next, I went into the freezer, took out a pack of waffles, and put them in the white toaster that was adorable. That was next to a silver one. The more that I look at it the kitchen kinda stood out. It was the atmosphere in the room I guess.

I sit at the island and start eating my food when I see that figure again. It was peaking behind a corner giggling like a child. It started to annoy me so I threw my fork at it and it stopped its giggling. As soon as the fork hit the floor the figure moved behind the wall. Then the whispering started.

'Do it' 'You couldn't handle it?' 'What's wrong with you!' 'What are you? Scared' 'They deserve it' those were the things I started hearing. What was it talking about? I don't know why that thing is bothering me. I cover my ears and close my ears, praying that it will end and it did.

Opening my eyes while uncovering my ears I look around. Nothing. The only thing other than me was the girl.

I was relieved that was until the relief ended. This feeling was one that different though. Something I never felt. I turned around.

Another thing, it was much taller than the one I first saw. It was also similar to the one I was seeing; Vanta black with only one feature and that was the white eyes. The figure ran off into another room and I chased after it.

Once I caught up to it stood there in the middle of a different classroom. It was an art class. I became uneasy as soon as the figure started to bend over with it's back hunched over and turned facing me.

I was starting to get scared of what is to come next. This figure was so unpredictable that I didn't know what was coming next. I was right, something unexpected happened. You know that feeling when you sense something or someone behind you? I felt that and the aura it came with was heavy and unsettling.

Then I felt a hand grip my shoulder.

I yelp and turned around seeing no one there. I turned back around to see no one in the living room too.

The room became cold and very loud. Screaming. Pained screaming, agony even. Now that I look at it, the room was filled with painting of faces. I picked up a brush and began painting. I couldn't stop myself. Once done I realized that it was of me. I was a average looking girl with long hair, but gorgeous eyes. With myself behind me.

A few minutes go by and I just stare. Abruptly, the screaming stopped.

Words showed on the canvas saying 'You did it' and behind me the sound of static let out. I covered my ears but it wasn't enough I could still hear it. Throughout the static, I could hear someone speaking to me or speaking to someone else. They were screaming and crying out pleading for someone to not do something. It sounded so familiar, it was a women's voice.

Everything stopped and I got up and walked to the room and exited through the door. I walked up the stairs up to the roof. A women was laying there, a pool of blood underneath her. She made me feel disgusted for some reason. I was grossed out with her there in my presence.

I walked up to her and took her hands and dragged her to the edge of the roof. I was five stories high. Then I pushed her.

Seeing her body fall made me smile. After a few minutes, my skin started to feel weird. It was slightly burning but I ignored it. A few more minutes went by and it got worse.

I started itching. The pain became worse and worse. I started to scream and cry.

I turned around to see three kids, the two that I encountered and a boy that looked to be 17. They all had wide eyes with blood coming out their ears.

I screamed and backed away. I had slipped, fallen off of the building. I hit the ground hard. laying there in my blood I saw it. 'Myself' was smiling. I couldn't get up, not even make a sound. Soon enough I died.

I woke up on my desk with people surrounding me looking concerned. I got up and walked into the break room ignoring them to go get a coffee.

I then noticed that my nose was bleeding. The blood on my shirt was a lot. It had covered my whole shirt, I went back to my desk only to see a pool of blood. My desk was a dull yellow and the blood was very visible and I went into a cleaning closet and took out some supplies. Once done I clocked out and went home after texting saying 'see you tomorrow' to my boss.