
"Who are they?" said galatos "they seem to be raiders the chief told me about them several months ago" said Nye "So you wanna take care of them?" said galatos with a grin "sure" said Nye.So they rushed over to the raiders Nye did a huge jump and galatos charged in from above Nye shot a barrage of fire balls hitting most of the raiders galatos was kicking and punching the raider the raiders tried to fight back but they were to slow to keep up until one person came."Explosion magic power ball" said a slightly different looking raider.A yellow flaming ball flew from his hand when it touched the ground it created a big explosion which can be seen from the village Nye and galatos barely survived it but the explosion seemed to have knocked out the raiders."What happened who was?" said Nye "I don't know who that was but we almost died from that also look what he done to the trees and stuff he destroyed it all!" yelled galatos "well we are just lucky he took out his companions instead of us" said Nye "uh n-nye" said galatos pointing at the raider who sent the magic ball.The random raider gave them both a mysterious stare "Hey you come here and face us like a man!" said galatos "I have no time to play with kids" said the raider "Kids what does that make your men who lost to us babies?" said galatos the raider sighed and ran away."Coward!" said galatos "calm down galatos we can search for him later we know what direction he ran to we can search the area after words but we need to worry about the fish...wait the fish were is it??!! did it survive the explosion?!?!" said Nye.Nye turned around and saw a stack of cooked fish "sigh at least we don't have to cook the fish" said Nye "Yeah lets just head back to the village" said galatos.So they returned to the village with all the fish but the everyone in the village saw the explosions and the boys.

"Boys what happened?" said the chief "We saw some raiders getting ready to raid our village so we fought them and we almost won until a raider used some sort of magic that nearly killed us but we survived" said Nye "I'm glad you kids are alright just stay out of danger ok?" said the chief "yes sir" said Nye and galatos "So who wants some fish?" said the chief "We do!" said galatos and Nye.All the way across the forest was a palace with a mighty king in it "did you raid the village?" said the king "No sir said the raider that made the explosion "i'm only giving you one more chance figs do your best or else death" said the king "yes sir" said figs.