Intruder alert

"It's probably intruders! we should deal with them and prove that we are the warriors of this village!" said Bao "Don't get to ahead of yourself Bao, that could be Jikamei or one of his family members and you don't stand a single chance in hell against any of them" said Vingur "He's making a good point Bao, we got defeated really easily by those other guys, and if you think you could beat at least one of them why didn't you do it earlier?" said Mochi "HEY WE STILL DON'T KNOW WHO DROPPED INTO THE BASE YET! It could be someone here to save us, so stop your assuming!" said Bao "Hehahahahahaaa I am on Jikamei's side hahahaaaa but we hehe aren't apart of the family hehe" said a lizard humanoid "who the hell are you?" said Vingur "Tehe i'm TF lizard" said the lizard humanoid "What does TF stand for?" said Vingur "What does TF stand for?" said Vingur "Hehe it stands for Torungona family hahaha stupid" said TF lizard "Why are you here?" said VIngur "Hehe Jikamei said if I find and kill all of you guys he would pay me $1,000 haha" said TF lizard "H-How did you find us?" said a bystander "I used advanced magic and heard all of you guys!" said TF lizard "What's advanced magic?!?" said another bystander "Tehe,advanced magic is a variation of support magic that advances the ability of all 5 senses and it even gives you a 6th sense if your good enough with it hehe to bad I barely even use it!" said TF lizard "Kids stand back! i'll deal with this!" said Vingur "Pfft what are you going to do tehe kill me?" said TF lizard "Perhaps..." said Vingur "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I LIKE YOUR JOKES OLD MAN! hehe let me see you try" said TF lizard "Burst magic:Mana punish!!!" said Vingur.A huge blast of magic shot from Vingur's hand "Hehe" said TF lizard before vanishing. The blast of magic missed and destroyed a bit of the cave "Where did he go?" said Vingur. SLASH, a random bystanders neck was sliced open, SLASH SLING SLASH SLING, more bystanders neck's were cut open until only half of the village was left. "H-He's invisible" said Mochi "But how did he avoid my attack? I fired it really quickly and the attack took up lots of room" said Vingur "Tehe your right that attack was really fast and took up half of this big cave! how could I dodge the attack that easily? hehe I didn't dodge it I countered it! Jikamei made it so when I turn invisible nothing can hurt me! haha" said TF lizard "How?" said VIngur "Easy question, he used his special magic! hehe although he never told me what it was I can tell its a very powerful type of magic! haha" said TF lizard "Magic?..." said Vingur "Tehe yeah the same magic that's going to get you killed" said TF lizard before appearing behind Vingur and stabbing him in the back.

"VINGUUUUR!" said Mochi "Ra ra!" said Bark.They quickly ran over to Vingur who is covering his wound "VINGUR ARE YOU OK?" said Mochi "Y-Yeah...just let me die here I trust you kids to end this battle for me..." said Vingur "WHAT IF WE DO WIN THIS BATTLE?!? DO YOU REALLY THINK ANY OF US COULD LEAD LIKE YOU? OR WHAT IF THOSE OTHER GUYS DIE TO THEM AND THEY FIND WHERE WE ARE HIDING?!?" said Mochi "I think our fate would be the same if Jikamei found out where we have been hiding..." said Vingur "HAHA CAN YOU JUST DIE ALREADY?!?!" said TF lizard.Suddenly TF lizard was knocked back by a blunt object "HEHE WHO DID THAT?!?" said TF lizard "I did" said Bao "ARE YOU READY TO DIE CHILD?!?" said TF lizard "Maybe I am...but I know thing for sure you can't just kill so many people like that and expect to get away with know there's always a price for putting you life before someone else's and your price is death" said Bao while pointing his sword at TF lizard "Haha is this a joke? do you really think you could beat me with a blunt sword?" said TF "The edges of this sword aren't that sharp but the tip of it is enough to make you regret ever coming here in the first place, i'll be the one to teach you your well earned lesson, i'll be the person to ask for you to pay for your items I refer as life!" said Bao "Hehe that was soooooooooo amazing! haha jokes aside i'm going to lower your confidence you little turd" said TF lizard "Vingur eat this fruit of healing and you might see another day, right now I have to help a friend out!" said Mochi before taking out a fruit than placing the fruit in front of Vingur "Ra ra" said Bark. "Shall we begin or do I have to start this?" said Bao "Hahaha! I insist that you start this, I want to see you try" said TF lizard.

To be continued.