Lucile versus Giant Gavin. Part 2

First thing Hal felt upon seeing the scene was surprise. The size of Gavin was unexpected and he almost cursed the dead Beldar for not even letting it slip.

However, upon closer inspection, he noted that there was something manic about Gavin's gaze and actions that pointed to the effects of the mutating technique finally getting to him and along with that craziness was an outburst of energy which was responsible for the humongous increase in size.

But Lucile was holding her own quite well as she dashed along his arms until she was at his shoulder and stabbed down with her amber claws.

With commendable speed, Gavin raised his hand to where she was and swiped it in an effort to toss her off his shoulder. Lucile was able to leap up to avoid the smack but then Gavin turned and took away her foothold.