
"Ah, my head" Wade groaned as he raised himself from the ground. 

When he looked forward and his eyes cleared, the first thing he noticed was Gavin's dead body after which came the proximity of Hal and Lucile.

In fact, their faces were so close together that they looked about to lock lips.

The fact that the one who had been after his life was lying a few meters from them was easily ignored... Their almost connecting faces was the priority.

"Oy, what are you two doing?" he asked in a bid to call their attention but that was not really necessary.

Both already knew he was awake and were just satisfied to ignore him and act completely oblivious to his presence as well as the fact that there were dead bodies around.

The moment was much too precious.

However, now that Wade had ruined it, Hal felt he might as well take a little breather. After all, there would be other moments.