Fulfillment. R-18

The trio of Hal, Melinda, and Nicole had now adjourned to a much more appropriate (in their opinion and to their taste) location for the quickly heating up session. 

The location was inside Hal's large room where the two ladies now had Hal lying on the bed so that they could worship his body with the amount of attention and care that was required.

If there was one thing both ladies agreed on as they peppered different parts of Hal's body with kisses, it was how it was a wonderful piece of art that would always intrigue them for as long as they breathed.

Not to mention that with Hal's body presently charged with {Erogenous touch), each kiss or touch they peppered him with had their bodies shivering with pleasure and their pussies getting wetter as fast as they possibly could.

Hal made no move to assist them in their act as he merely placed his hands behind his head and gave both ladies full reign to do as they wished to him.