An Inheritance.

VIP box...

As the time ticked on with only a few minutes left before the one-hour break was over, the Empress finally received the report on the bodies of the dead trio.

Reading through the report, the Empress's lips were upside down in a frown.

When she spoke, her words were directed at her daughter Tanya but as she was not lowering her voice, almost everyone in the VIP box heard her words, 

"Exactly what cultivation realm is Hal Doxon at?" She asked and passed the report to Tanya.

She asked her daughter since she was Hal's sponsor and should quite rightly know more about him than even his family members.

A sponsor was not just someone who recommends a participant fit the Royal Academy exams, they are usually also tutor and train their participants and have full confidence in them when sending them off to attempt joining the Royal Academy.