I Admire You...

"Impressive display, You truly must be proud Andrei" Kirill said to the father of three who tried to show the pride that he was feeling but had a hard time doing so.

His face was colored instead with confusion.

Why was this?

Well, ever since this exam started and Nicole began showcasing impressive capabilities, he found that his daughter was now different from how he had always known her to be.

She was shining so brightly that he could hardly believe his training and tutoring were the reasons.

Add that to the look of absolute obedience and reverence she had whenever she looked at Hal and he began to wonder if the Doxon young man was the course.

If that was the case, he wondered just to what extent and with what method he had instilled such a significant change and boost in strength within his darling eldest daughter?

Dimitri, still stroking his beard took over and showcased the pride his brother should have been showing at that moment,