Art's warmth through cold emotions part II [Jacob]

last night an Angel came to me. its beauty was feminine, with some masculine details here and there. he asked me if I had a wish for him.

the angle seemed to be trouble by something. I offered all I had, milk and bread to the gentle looking angel. he refused. he told me that he had things to do. the angel asked a second time if I had a wish.

the angel seemed to be ready to fulfill whatever crazy wish I had to asked. it wasn't about the sincerity of my wish, nor how pure was my heart. it was all a test.

a test to prove to 'God' how corrupted was the human world. in truth I was the most corrupted soul the Angel was able to find. I was the darkest soul on the land. the angel expected horrors, or disgust to follow my command.

"my death." were the words I was able to say. then I said, "if my death can make of this world a better world, then please take my soul. I am not worthy of your forgiveness, nor of your love."

the Angel was shocked. those aren't the words the Angel hope to hear. the Angel had observed the humans fell into sin, fell deeper and further from deserving forgiveness. as a task the angel search for two souls.

the first soul the Angel visited was the soul of the 'purest' human. a man who asked for depravity and a man with immoral desires. then the second soul was me. the man who was suppose to be the worst of all humans.

the Angel had doubts about humans for the first time in centuries. the Angel started to study the true meaning of been 'Good' or 'Evil' for humans. and the difference between the Divine definition of Morality correct & righteousness, and the human definition.

later the Angel came back. he said, "congratulations, your words had given the humans another eons to live free of judgement." ever since then I had never seen the Angel. I keep waiting every night hoping for my wish to be fulfill.

--- Sir Jean Einarsson.

Jacob as a boy used to listen to that tale. a tale told by Jacob's father. Jacob couldn't understand then the meaning of the tale. all the understood is that even the villain knew he was a villain, and he didn't wanted to die as a villain.

Jacob had never forgotten about the tale. he always remembers thinks about the tale his father use to tell. the only tale his father knew about.

Jacob walks with a machete. he was called for a job. he looks at an old Diner. it has a sign that is about to fell at any given minutes. it has paint and stains on the walls. it is almost in the middle of nowhere, by the boarder of the city.

Jacob gets inside of the Diner. it starts to rain. since a while the sky looked gray, like it could rain at any given minute.

inside of the Diner there are some suspicious criminal like figures. they all seem to recognized or know each other. the waitress are barely wearing any clothes covering their private parts. there is a waitress that seems to be doing oral to a muscular mustache bald-headed client.

Jacob walks trying to ignore it all. he looks at a guy on a corner. the man is wearing a green cap with the logo of a sports team. he is wearing jeans. boots. red t-shirt. he has a black beard with some white. curly dirty blonde hair. and some bright green eyes.

the man looks up at Jacob. the Giant looks at the scar on the upper lips of the man. Jacob walks directly towards that man. he sits in front of that friendly looking man. Jacob asks him about the job.

the other man is reading the menu. he rises his empty cup asking for more coffee. once the waitress comes, he flirts with her on a playful innocent way. he seems like a nice guy making comments about how he is a grandma's boy.

the other guy ordered his food with a playful smile. Jacob orders without even looking at the menu on the table. the waitress gives her number to the other guy. then she leaves whistling the tone of an old song.

Sebastian "the Wild" Washington. the name. you can call me the wild. most people do. it's a pleasure to finally meet the most infamous figure of the city sir, or can I call you pal? or you go by your last name? you don't seem to like formalities. me neither."

Sebastian said to be 32 years old. he also talked about his first jobs. his better jobs. he didn't stop talking. he was like a broken machine. he seemed so lively and friendly. it was hard to believe that he is a coldblooded killer, just like Jacob.

he is the type of person that Jacob dislikes the most. he is too talkative. too friendly. he doesn't act like a professional. but there is a reason why he was send

after a while the waitress came back with the food. Sebastian kept flirting with a soft gentle voice and a loud body language. he looked like a child having a crush. Jacob felt like the third while.

Sebastian smiles at Jacob. he starts to talk about random facts. he only stops talking with food on his mouth. he eats with so much joy. again he seems like a lively child.

Jacob eats slowly. every bite he takes is slow. he chews his food slowly. he is eating a steak that seems juicy. jet the way he eats is like if he was eating plastic, and not food. there are no facial expressions on his face. he seems to be bored.

Jacob drinks some coffee. then he keeps eating. it took him about thirty minutes to finish eating the steak. he then cleans his mouth with a napkin. he cleans his mouth slowly with elegance. he then puts the napkin on the table. he keeps drinking coffee.

Sebastian cleans his mouth with the sleeve of his t-shirt. he puts a jacket on. he stands up ready to do his work. he leaves some bills on the table. he looks at Jacob. the two of them walk out of the Diner.

they get on Sebastian's car. on the way Jacob starts to read documents about the hit. he puts the documents down. Jacob looks at Sebastian like trying to read him. then he looks up at the road. the road is dark and sinister like a bad omen.

"it isn't pal, nor Sir. I am Jacob Einarsson, and if the name is too hard to you. then I am the Hammer Giant. those are the only two ways you can refer to me." said Jacob avoiding eye contact.

the job is simple. there is a politician working with their boss. there is a journalist who is after the politician. so anyone who comes after their business partner, also comes after the mobster for who Jacob works.

the journalist is a man who comes from an old family of money who has a long history with the city. they are almost untouchable. but on his days of youth the journalist had a relationship with a lady. from there he has a bastard son of which almost nobody knows about.

they are on their way to hurt the mother of the boy and the boy. that is going to be a last warning to the journalist. if he doesn't give up. then they will go after everyone on the city who shares his last name. they will hunt down till the last one with that last name.

even if it is dangerous going after such an old and powerful family.

Jacob doesn't question jobs. Jacob doesn't reject jobs. Jacob finish every job he takes. he has one single rule.

if there are kids he won't do it. not for morality, but for ethics. if there is a kid on the job. then there better be a second man to pull the job.

those are the only kind of jobs in which Jacob ever works with someone else. so from the beginning Jacob knew what kind of job he was given.

Sebastian confesses to be new on the working with a partner. he only worked with others on his early jobs. jobs that are amateurish and terrible.

for a man as emotionless and as cold as Jacob, it is strange to be the role model for twisted people like Sebastian.

finally after a while driving. they arrive in front of a common house.

Jacob can see omens everywhere. this is for sure to be a deadly night. he gets out of the car slowly. he takes his machete and moves with small but strong steps. Jacob opens the door slowly. he then gets inside followed by Sebastian.

there is a kid watching TV on the living room. the kid saw them. in his innocence and curiosity he was able to understand that they are bad guys. whatever was his fate. the boy had accept it. he kept watching the TV quietly.

"be fast be gentle." whispers Jacob as he walks forward towards a room.

Sebastian gives some cookies to the boy. he sits next to him. on a friendly way Sebastian asks questions about the cartoon. Sebastian hugs the boy. with his left arm he slowly starts to strangle the boy. there is a sound like bones breaking.

slowly Sebastian leaves the body on the sofa. he then keeps watching the TV. he laughs while eating some cookies like if it was nothing.

Jacob gets inside of the main room. he looks at a blonde lady on her thirties laying on the bed with a peaceful face. Jacob takes some steps.

the woman wakes up. she looks at the giant beast in front of her. she stands up. she asks for mercy. she tries to talk about her little boy. the boy needs of her. Jacob wasn't move by her words. then she offered her body. but he wasn't move by that either.

the woman on her knees shows her gorgeous breast to Jacob. she slowly stands up while touching his male parts.

Jacob pushes her away. he holds his machete tightly. he stabs her on the stomach. she turns around on an attempt to run away. he stabs her on the back multiple times. she screams in agony as she begs for her life. there is no escape from the Hammer Giant.

Jacob keeps attacking her with his machete. she fells on the floor covered on blood. she is barely breathing as her body shakes abruptly. she has multiple wounds on her whole body. the woman asks him to stop. she wants to live. she wants to stay alive.

Jacob looks at her face. he looks at all the wounds on her body. he looks at the tears falling from her face. he listens at the screams asking for mercy.

Jacob holds his machete with all his strength. he decapitates her by stabbing her multiple times on the neck. when he was done. the room was painted on different shades of red.

Jacob takes the head as he walks away. while all of that was happening the cowardly husband was under the bed smiling as he cries silently. the husband was no other than James White.

Jacob went to the kitchen. he watches his hands. the two Hitmen left the house. the job was done.

"so is it true that you fought once against forty-two people?" asks Sebastian out of curiosity.

"I don't have an issue with talking now that the job is done. yes, I fought and won."

"damn boss. you are a different type of beast."

"Sebastian, why do you admire me? I am nothing less than flesh and bones. I am only professional towards my work. but there is nothing admirable about that."

"what kind of question is that boss? you're a legend among us. you aren't greedy, nor crazy unlike most fuckers on our line of work. you're also educated towards us common folks. you have your own morals. you're a different breed."

there is a moment of silence. Jacob doesn't want to ask anymore. he doesn't wish to destroy the guy's dreams and hopes.

"do you listen any music in especial. this days I am more of a country guy. yesterday I was into rock, like metal."

"classic music. the instruments alone is enough. no talking. no singing. just instruments."

"so what do you say about some breakfast once the job is done?"

"yeah. maybe, why not."

the journalist home is outside of the city. it is a gorgeous mansion on a hill. it has a huge garden in which a whole house may fit in. the house in ancient with some modern remodeling done recently. it has been slightly change over the times, not completely. but some parts of the mansion.

Jacob knocks on the door.

"coming." said a middle age man on the other side of the door....


knock. knock.

'first is silence....

....then comes Death.'

"there is no human more quiet, nor more loyal than the one who is dead. be aware of the human who pretends to be your friend. those who move their tail at the sound of your riches or fame. be aware of the claws the human hides under the mask of innocence. because there is no creature more dangerous, nor cruel than the human."

an Angel has warn me about human's cruel nature. sadly the angel was too naive or too noble to not listen so a soft voice, or to not fall for a human beauty.

the poor Angel sinned for a human. the sad Angel sinned once more after realizing the gravity of his sin. then the Angel sinned a third time.

God punished the Angel by giving him the order/duty to take his lover's soul to the realm of the dead. because that wasn't enough punishment. the Angel was given the eternal duty to take human souls to the realm of the dead.

for all eternity he has to see the last moments of all humans. he felt deep sorrow to not be able to do anything else, but to watch. there is no bigger horror, than to watch the last moments of humans unable to save them.

the right punishment for an Angel who loves humans. he loved them even more than God ever loved his own creation.

--- Jean Einarsson.

that was another tale Jean used to tell to his son. then he would end the tale with the following words.

"Do you understand my son? be aware of a dangerous beauty. the bigger the beauty, the bigger would be the price to pay."

"father, even I can be affected by that beauty you speak about?"

"yes my boy. everyone falls victim to a dangerous beauty."