the Abraham Analogy part II [Grinberg]

a dark room. a broken window. some rats. rotten walls. a rusty green chair. a floor that seems like is going to break at any given moment....

"sweet, sweet home of mine." said Damian feeling pride.

Damian doesn't have much of an option. it is either living here or on the streets. at least in here he can sleep peacefully without the need to worry about some stranger murdering him on his sleep.

Damian slowly walks towards the bed. he makes sure that there is nothing alive on it, before getting on top of the bed. Damian is so tired from all the walking. to come back to this filthy city is like trying to find enlightenment on a swamp.

Damian isn't playing games. he isn't going to pretend to be a good person. he seems himself similar to Victor Frankenstein. both played with things they shouldn't and in the process they created a monster. tears fall from Damian's eyes.

Damian asks himself if what he is about to do is wrong. is killing your flesh and blood wrong? is it wrong to stop your son's cruelty? he needs to be stopped for the safety of the citizens of the city.

Damian is just human. is normal to be confuse. it is normal to have doubts. it is normal to lose your way. it is the most human thing to feel conflicted about your kid's actions. and is even more human to wish to correct the mistake your kid committed.

"what am I doing? when? where? how did I failed to see your wounded soul. I am the worst father on the world. I need to do it. not for me, but for your own good. I need to stop you. even if you end up hating me even more. I need to.... I need to kill you."

Damian talks to himself. he cleans the tears from his face. he swallows saliva. the faces of those he killed come to his mind. there is always a way in which the world manage to remind you of the mistakes of the youth.

a sea of emotions invaded Damian's heart. he only slept four hours that night.....


Day 2.

the next mourning Damian left the room early. he started to do some cleaning. Saul allowed him to stay. Damian is doing his best to not be an annoyance.

Del Castillo comes to the bar. he is making sure he has everything ready for later. he receives a few calls from some friends.

Del Castillo wasn't part of the gang. but he used to hang out with Damian on his days of gangster and drug dealer. Del Castillo never participated on that. but he always kept secrets of the things he saw.

Del Castillo takes a cigar out. he starts to smoke. "I keep telling myself I am going to stop. this is the last one. I am too old to worry about dying for something as tiny as a cigar. if twelve bullets didn't killed me, then why should this shit kill me."

there was melancholy on Saul's voice. long ago there was a time on which Saul followed Damian to a delivery. some corrupted cops got payed more by the rival gang. they shot the car Saul was driving. and they stole the drugs Damian was holding.

later that same day. Damian was walking with few holes on his body. Damian by himself burned down the rival gang's warehouse. he send to hell the same cops who betrayed them. and he was able to deliver the drugs on time.

they survived the gang wars from the past. those use to be terrifying times. times in which there were too many gangs on one city. and they all started to fight for control for the city and its surroundings. that has something to do with Damian's time on prison.

they survived a lot of shit and some of the most gory fights to ever happen on the city. they are right. a cigar is nothing for two survivors of those times.

Damian thinks about those times on which he arrived on a hospital bleeding out. or those times on which he almost lose his life.

Damian feels sentimental as he starts to remember. there are many good and awful things from those times.

Del Castillo shows a ring on his hand. Damian asks for the lucky lady. Saul smiles with a bitter smile without saying anything else. a high school student that looks like Saul comes inside of the bar. it is clear that the mother isn't on the picture.

out of curiosity Damian asks about the mother. Saul looks down on the floor. Saul sends his son away for a moment. then a name came out of Saul's mouth, 'Daniel Grinberg.' a name that Damian almost forgot. the name of his son.

Saul's son screams "that Bastard." as he gets inside of the bar once more.

"you are right boy, he is a bastard. his father wasn't there to teach him how to be a rightful man. don't worry boy, his father is going to correct his mistakes."

there is a loud silence. Saul's son blames his father for been weak. for not been able to save his mother. the boy leaves the bar once more.

Damian takes a beer. he pays and then leaves. Damian needs time to think about life. he needs to stop the monster who terrorizes the city. even if that monster is his son.

as Damian was walking there was a Bang. he looks at some people running. a young man gets out of a car. he is all covered on blood. he has many bullet holes on his body. a scare young lady gets out of the car. she tries to help this guy.

"RUN. HIDE. they are coming." he screams on his last breathe.

the young lady runs away. some guys on motorcycles stop in front of the corpse. Damian tries to get closer to them. he didn't had a weapon on him. he looks at the half empty bottle of liquor on his hand.

he puts his left hand on his pockets. he takes a lighter out. it was a lighter that was given to him as a gift by one of the guards. it seems like it is going to be useful soon.

one of the criminals is graving the lady from before. he pulls and pushes. he then kicks her on the stomach. it seems like they want something from her. with no previous warning they execute some guys who were in there.

one of the criminals shoots at the corpse's head, just to make sure he is dead. he then aims at the girl's head.

Damian walks behind them pretending to be drunk. they are six young guys and he is an older drunk man. of course they won't suspect from him.

one of them pushes Damian. he falls on the floor breaking the bottle of liquor. the guys are laughing at Damian. he then asks for money to buy another bottle.

"grandpa read the room. don't you have better things to do? like taking care of your grandchildren or something."

Damian really wanted to slap the shit out of them. he stands carefully holding the broken bottle with one hand. and with the other holding pieces of glass.

the young criminals are making fun of Damian. he throws glass on the face of one of them cutting his eyes and face. with the bottle he stabs one guy on the neck. he stabs another guy on his arms and legs. in less than a minute three of them were down.

"who are you?"

"I am the Blue Devil."

Damian's actions are enough to convince them that they are in front of a legend. a bogeyman that only exist on tales and urban legends. a nightmare to scare kids.

Damian takes the gun from a corpse. he shoots at one guy on the face. he aims at another guy and shoots multiple times. the last guy standing falls on his knees asking for forgiveness. imploring for mercy.

"tell your boss that the Blue Devil has return."

before that guy could say anything. Damian approaches him and breaks his neck. he put a bullet on the skull of the two guys who were still breathing. Damian laughs thinking about the irony.

Damian just got out for good conduct. and he didn't lasted on the outside more than one day without killing someone. it seems like his freedom was limited.

"what kind of nickname is that? the Blue Devil, I never heard it before." said the young lady that Damian just rescued.

"I am a phantom of the past. I am a legend from a time that was too long ago for anyone to remember. at least then we used to have a code of honor. in those times we used to leave the innocent on peace.... I am a corpse from an era that died long ago."

the young lady thanks Damian. she helps him to hide before the arrival of the cops. everyone on the city knows that most cops work for Daniel Grinberg.

inside of a book store Damian looks at the dust on the books. he then looks at the young lady who kisses him on the chin. she winks at him before leaving.

"it seems like the tiger can age, but the beast inside of him won't ever age. I'm sixty-seven years old, and I haven't lose the lady killer talent."

some hours later Damian left the book store. carefully he arrived once more in front of the bar that was named after him. Saul welcomed him with a huge smile. Saul can tell that Damian had a taste of the city's crime.

Damian moves like a ghost among the clients. he tries to no bother anyone else. some people look at Damian with horror. if the Blue Devil already tasted some blood, then there has to be more blood to come.

the Blue Devil isn't the type of person to give up after one battle. no, he is the type of person to fight until he eliminates everyone on the enemy side, or until he dies. only death can stop the infamous Blue Devil.

Saul gives a beer to Damian. he looks at his old friend. Saul keeps working giving Damian space to enjoy his beer. Damian felt so much better now that he has unleashed his most animal like instincts.

the night is young. there are many people who came to the bar. most of them had a meeting with old or new friends. some of them are regular clients. the day became darker outside, and lighter inside of the bar.

out of nowhere a thirty years old man gets inside of the bar. he is skinny. he has short light brown hair, a shaved face, he is wearing fancy clothing, he has blue eyes. even when Damian haven't seen him on about twenty years, he recognized Daniel.

Daniel had some fun with many of his employees inside of the bar. Damian felt rage knowing that he didn't have any weapon at the moment. he looks at Saul who tells him not to do anything stupid. Damian then looks at Saul's son.

he couldn't risk the life of his friend, and his friend's son. his vendetta towards his own son is personal, there is no need to include innocent people on his redemption. Damian is doing this to protect others, not to put them on danger.

Damian tries to control his emotions. Daniel Grinberg looks more like his mother. Damian can't believe how is that such a monster shares the face of an angel. Damian loved his wife like no other. to see his son as a monster must hurt a lot.

Daniel laughs with his henchmen. he drinks some bottles of beer. he pays for those who drank with him and for himself. they left to continue with their lives. from the moment on which he entered to the moment on which he left, Daniel didn't recognized his father.

Damian was barely able to control his emotions. to see his son once more brought new and old emotions to his heart. he was confuse. how can he look like a normal kid? where does he hide all the cruelty?

a stranger sits next to Damian. the man looks skinny and weak. the man seems to be an office worker. he is pale and depressed. he starts to talk about his own tragedy. he told Damian his whole tragedy. his wife was unfaithful and he let her die.

there was sorrow on his eyes every time he talked about his wife. but there was a light when he started talking on detail about her death. it was clear how much he hated her. he ends his tale. he then asks Saul for some tequila.

there was another man on the entrance of the bar. the other man had dark brown hair. he had a stupid mustache. he was dressed out of a funeral. he was looking with rage at the man sitting next to Damian. it looks like their tale haven't ended jet.

"Saul I want to celebrate and share my own tragedy with this good man. bring me some tequila. but my tale is incomplete, I haven't written the end jet."

there is darkness on Damian's eyes as he thinks about a tomorrow.