enemy of the Law part III [Perez]

9:42 am.

Howard Church is walking inside of the gas station. Richard McDonald is at his side. they look at the chaos that was left.

Howard Church steps on Josue's corpse. he makes a distasteful comment about those who leave in the poor areas of the city. he then looks at Josh Smith, who is breathing. he is not awake, but he isn't dead jet.

"do you see that Richard? that is why I say it. the professionals of this age aren't what they use to be on my times. they are too unclean, too provocative. what a true disgrace. get me a meeting with Mr Grinberg. we need to have a long conversation."

"yes sir. I am on it."

"I fear that I may had committed a minor mistake, I let Grinberg to take care of things for me trusting that he will be done with it. now I have dead bodies on my streets."

"sir, it wasn't your fault. you didn't know that he was a savage."

"of course it's never my mistake. the issue is that I offered a deal that was suppose to be beneficial to both, in exchange for doing me a minor favor. now I feel regret."

Howard Church walks out of the gas station. he is follow by some skinny, short, blonde guy with glasses. his name is Kyle Jones, Church's lawyer.

Kyle Jones warns Church. he believes that if they cause a commotion, it could get risky now with the new elections coming soon. Kyle asks his boss to leave everything on the hands of his partners. they can clean Howard's public image.

Howard knows what the lawyer is trying to say. he agrees. he tells the lawyer that he is planning on taking care of things. there are better things to be done. he also needs to control his son's stupidity.

Howard Church gets inside of a black car. he looks at the lawyer. he orders him to get inside of the car. he is going to need of the lawyer for the meeting. they leave.

Richard is outside looking at the black car. now that he is alone there is some sense of freedom and relief. Richard returns inside. he looks at the corpse. he isn't here because he wants to be here. he is here because he was force to be here against his will.

Richard has become the loyal pet of a corrupted politician. he is aware of that. but the chains are too tight for him to escape. he looks at Josh Smith. their eyes meet. Richard walks closer to him. he looks at the dying man.

"it must be painful." that is what Richard thinks. he kneels. Richard takes a dagger out of his pockets and stabs Josh on the heart allowing him to finally die. he then walks away.


1:27 pm.

the righteous cop has become an outlaw. on all the local news channels he is accuse of the incident on the gas station. he is accuse of killing his friends. they are framing him for everything and even for other crimes.

in a single day he became a wanted criminal. in a single day he was the most hated cop on a corrupted city. there was no salvation to him.

Miguel tried to call his girlfriend. but he was scare of what she could think of him. there was a fear running on his whole body. he could put her on danger.

Miguel receives a call from Howard Church. Miguel takes the call. he breathes loudly. he is unable to hide how much fear he feels. his hands are shaking. he feels cold sweat falling from his forehead. he holds his breath for a moment.

"hello Mr Perez. what happened on the morning was a miscalculation of my part. I am willingly to take responsibility and compensate the cops' families. all I want is to talk."

"I am not sure. to be frankly honest I am afraid. then what comes next?"

"the main issue can be solve. I don't want you dead. I didn't intended for that to happen. I just called the wrong person to deal with you. let me take the blame for his actions."

"how can I trust any word you say?"

"it is simple, I am the one who gave the order. I am also the only one who can tell them to stop. if anything else happens, I am not to blame. his methods are too barbaric."

"I don't trust any word coming from you. I just want to go back to my mundane life."

"I won't make this request twice. this is the last time to take the deal. be my pawn, be my henchmen or deal with the aftermath of your childish ignorance."

the call ends.

Miguel falls on his knees. he cries silently. those cops, those friends. they were his only friends on the world. his mentor, his father figure is a sidekick of some politician. he can't see his fiance, he could put her on danger.

Miguel starts to think about the options he has left. the most realistic options are either to take the deal, or to leave far away from the city.

if he chooses to leave. he will leave behind everything that ever matter to him. he has to forget about many important things to him. his fiance and his career will be gone. everything that ever matter to him. it will be only him on the run.

if he takes the deal. then he will become corrupted. everyone will be safe. the future of the girl will be no issue. he can just sold his soul and his virtue in order to make sure no one else suffers because of his actions.

Miguel is running out of time. he thinks about morality, his morality. the main reason why he decided to become a cop on the first place. then he starts to think about the possibility of a third option. one in which everyone wins.


3:12 pm.

Church's home's dinning table.

Howard Church is eating steak. he loves it when it is red, bright. at his side is the lawyer. and in front of him is Daniel Grinberg. the king of the iron jungle.

Howard eats silently. he drinks from a glass of wine. he stops eating. he puts the silverware down for a second. he looks at Daniel.

"I only wished for him to be scared. I didn't wanted to burn down the city."

"what else can I do? I am a man of power. I only do as much as it needs to be done in order to prove a point. no one can touch me, or my people."

"please stop now. the foolish boy already learned his lesson. he can easily become part of our men. he can become a perfect pawn."

"I see your point. but you're too soft. you need an iron hand to make a point. you need to whip the strong, so the weak don't dare to provoke you."

Howard Church keeps eating. on such a giant room. eating in front of such a huge table. and with so much extravagant environment there are only three people eating. the castle he created is perfect, jet empty.

Kyle Jones eats while reading some papers. he overlooks for everything legal for Howard Church and his son. he has plenty of clients, but there is no client more important than Mr Church.

Daniel Grinberg thinks about his business. he is all by himself on the world. he has no family nor friends at his side. everyone who follows him is either a employee or the employee of an employee. Daniel only follows his own ego.

Howard Church is aware that something that started simple, is getting out of control. all of this fuck up situation is no longer on his hands. the only way for him to stop it is by getting Miguel to take the offer. but it has to be now.

"I already gave orders to two of my henchmen. they will go after Perez's family. if he adds value to them. he should give up now. if not, we can just kill them."

"I will take no part on whatever you are doing. I don't like how that sounds. if this becomes a legal issue, I never had hand on that."

Howard Church finish eating. he leaves. there are things he needed to talk about with his son and some employees. Kyle Jones and Daniel Grinberg are left alone. Kyle asks the gangster if he needs of a lawyer.

Daniel Grinberg laughs. he asks for Kyle's business card. he makes a comment in which he insinuates that only after death he will need of a lawyer. Daniel laughs loudly. while the lawyer feels uncomfortable.

Daniel receives a call. he answers calmly. he keeps eating while he listens to every single detail that is given. the person on the other side of the call is Jose "El Loco Bobo" Martinez who has confirmed that the job is done.


8:47 pm.

Miguel is driving on a stolen car. he listens to the local news while driving. his phone starts to ring. Miguel ignores the call aware that it comes from Richard.

there are patrols everywhere. it almost looks like they are dedicating the whole forces of the police department to capture him. the environment is become more and more hostile towards him. Miguel fears for his freedom.

there is another call from Richard. this time Miguel answers the phone call. tears drop from his face when he is given the news. his sick father was killed on the hospital. Richard tells him that he was on time to save the girl. she is by his side right now.

Miguel speeds up. there is a pain on his chest. he needs to get to his girlfriend's home. a bad omen knocks on the door. Miguel isn't sure, but something inside of him. something on his chest is warning him about the things that he may find on the road.

on a long dark night Miguel keeps driving for another forty minutes until he arrives in front of an old building. Miguel leaves the car. he walks slowly. his girlfriend lives on a department on the fourth floor. right now Miguel is walking up on the stairs.

Miguel arrives in front of the department. he opens the door slowly. there is a complete and absolute silence. Miguel trembles. Miguel feels like a bucket of cold water and ice is thrown at him. every step is weak and small.

it looks like an intruder was inside of the department. everything is broken. the furniture, the pictures and paintings, the personal belongings, and even the walls had holes. there was a trail of blood. inside of the room there was Amanda's body hanging.

Miguel falls on his knees. he screams feeling intense pain. his screams didn't sound human anymore after some minutes. the pain he felt inside on his heart was inhuman. Miguel keep crying until there were no more tears.

Miguel died inside. there was nothing to live for inside of his heart. the only thing he has left is an immense thirst for vengeance. a desire for revenge grows deep and twisted. there are some footsteps coming from the front door.

Miguel turns around to see Terry Davis coming to him. he didn't seem to be there with any bad intentions. Terry tells him that the man who send the assassins is Daniel Grinberg and the assassins are Jose "El Loco Bobo" Martinez and the Giant Hammer.

"why are you helping me? what are your intentions?"

"my boss is Tiziano Fierro. he wants to take this territory for himself. Grinberg is an obstacle on the road. he needs to be remove."

"thanks. now I know my enemy's name. I swear I will had my vengeance on him."

"remember I am not your friend. I don't do favors. I am just using you as in investment to take care of those who dare to get on the way of my boss."

Miguel stops crying. he stands up. he follows Terry towards his car. they leave silently. they are now leaving the city. but Miguel will return one day to have his vengeance.