High School Life: Thirdy POV

High School has made us all change so much. Loel and I got closer more than ever, I get to spend so much more time than I ever did with them. Loel went to LSGH, me at Ateneo and Bea in Poveda. Suddenly, Bea has become one of us. Everytime Loel and I would go to the mall of play golf, Bea would tag along, even when we would simply shoot some balls.

Weekends, more often than not, means Loel's classmates over at their house. I always make it a point to be there, too.

Bea has been a favorite figure during Loel's classmate's visits and I felt I needed to be there. I don't know why, but I just felt right being there.

"Bea, let's go to the arcade tomorrow." Loel's classmate, Dave, asked her.

"Lols, hi there, too, Dave. That was a quick one." She uncomfortably said.

"Oh hi, Thirdy. I didn't know you are here." As I emerged from the kitchen." Why don't you join us over there?" Dave asked me.

"Later, Bro. I have to help Bea with her homework." I told him.

"Oh, is that so, what's your assignment about, maybe I can help?" Dave rebutted.

Why is this guy so persistent, I am here, why is he offering help. The nerve.

Bea didn't mind what is going on, she just continued writing on her notes and glances at her books from time to time, while I work on the laptop looking for answers on some of her assignment.

" We are okay here, Bro. You are a visitor here." I insisted. I just really want to shoo him away. He seems very forward and confident for a high school boy.

"No problem, let me know if you need help, I will just be outside." And I thought he was done. "Oh, so, Bea, arcade next week? Saturday?"

"Okay, let me know what time so I can tell Mom."

I don't know, but I felt different when I heard Bea said that. I felt something that I shouldn't be in the first place. Was I jealous that Bea will spending time with another boy?

High school life definitely will change us all, I guess.

But with that, Dave left and I was alone again with Bea with her assignment.

I didn't want to meddle, but I felt the need to ask Bea about that.

"Hey, are you seriously going out with him on a date?" I asked.

"Thirdy? Really? He just invited me to the arcade, you call that a date?" Bea wondered.

Isn't that a date? I am a guy, I know when the boys make passes and definitely this is one of them.

Bea looked at me in disbelief. I don't know what I will say. I don't want her to think differently about me.

"Oh my, Beatriz, just because he asked you to come with him at the arcade, you can't call it a date. Next thing you know, he is asking you for lunch dates or worst dinner dates."

"Hey, that's too fast forward haha. Calm down, you're worst than Kuya."

"That's because I am sure Loel doesn't know it yet. Wait till he finds out, I am sure he will tell you the same thing."

"Whatever you say, Manong" she teased.

While we were having dinner, Bea spoke with Loel.

"Kuya, did Dave tell you that he asked me to come to the arcade with him on Saturday?"

Loel seemed surprised but shrugged and replied with just a "No."

Bea faced her mom and said, "Mom, I am going to the arcade next week with Dave, okay?"

At the back of my mind, I was praying, please no.

Then I heard Tita Det said " Which arcade will you be going to?"

" I dunno yet. I told him to text me before Saturday. I will let you know. I promise"

"Loel, you should accompany your sister next week." Tito Elmer said.

I sighed a deep breath.

" Dad, Dave is a nice guy. He won't let Bea get hurt."

I was fidgeting, I wanted to protest, I suddenly felt something really negative.

"Your Dad is right, Loel. I can accompany you so you won't be the third wheel." I had that chance so I took it.

Bea was obviously very disappointed at this conversation.

"Bro, let's just play golf. Bea is safe with Dave, I will make sure of that, Dad."

Ending? Bea will be going with Dave alone while Loel and I will be playing golf. I really hope that day doesn't come or Dave cancels the last minute.

I just don't want to see Bea dating, she is still too young, that is what I really think it is. Or is it?

On my way home, I was deep in thought. I feel funny. Like, something is not right. This feeling is new for me, I can't explain it. I don't know how to respond to it because I am unfamiliar with my feelings.

Mom welcomed me after I went down from the car.

"Kuya, you look so tired. How is Tito Elmer and Tita Det?" She asked.

"They are okay, Ma. They sent some foods for you, too. Kuya Bill brought it in the kitchen, I guess."

When we got inside, my Dad greeted me after I kissed him on his cheek.

"How is my young man, you look distraught. Did you have a fight with Loel?"

"Of course not, Pa." I said half smiling at the thought. "Why would we"?

"Well, you just look really gloomy today."

"Tired I guess, Papa"

We had dinner and then I went up my room. I still can't comprehend why I am so against the idea of Bea going out with Dave. I wanted to understand, until I have fallen asleep.