I wake up in a hospital bed. I look around and see I have a wrap on my arm and leg. A nurse walks in.
"Oh sara black your awake." her voice is soft, I look at her then remember the crash.
"My family! Where are they where am i are they ok is Marie ok!" I yell scaredly
"I'm sorry Sara, they...didn't make it. We'll take care of you tell your 21. You don't have any relatives for miles and miles so stay here." The nurse walks out.
I feel like I was just stabbed through the heart. I get up and change into black shorts and a dark blue crap top. I put my hair up in a tight bun. I grab my stuff and leave my phone number on the hospital bed. I sneak out and walk along the streets. I see a bar I look at the time. It's 7:45 pm. I was out for almost a day.
i walk across the street and i walk into the bar. theres very few people there. i guess its early, i walk and sit on a bar stool. i don't have too much money but the hospital did give me that credit card. i smirk hours pass, i drink beer after beer. even though i'm only 18 i don't really care. I look at the time it's now 10:18 pm. I hick up then look around, the bar tender has changed and there is a group of girls.
I turn back to my beer and someone walks up behind me, I turn around.
"Ok i think you've had enough." the guy says and takes my cup.
"Give it back f*ck you!" i yell
"No, listen if you dont leave you'll go to jail come on I'll take you home. dont worry im not some weird creep. you just look lost."he says
"Who even are you," i demand
"My name is Steve. thats all you need to know. now please, lets go can you walk?" steve says
"Um.. yes but I don't um....." my phone buzzes and I look at it, its an apartment number, the hospital bought me an apartment sweet.
"Ok come on, I'll drive you home." Steve gently grabs my hand and leads me out to his nice white lambo, of course, he has a f*cking lambo. He opens the door and I get in he gets in the driver side and starts driving. He drives to a big apartment building.
He parks and helps me out of the car. We walk up the stairs and he opens the door with a code.I feel so dead I have no idea how meny beers I had. steve helps my onto the bed and goes out. he sleeps on the couch.
I wake up and my head is throbbing. i open my eyes and sit up. I rush t the bathroom and throw up.
"Uhg why." I wipe my mouth and look in the mirror I look like garbage.
"Wait....where am i!" i look around and run and grab my phone. I see its my apartment I sigh with relief I sit on the bed. How did I get here though. Steve walks in with water and food on a tray. I scream and grab a pillow.
"Don't come any closer! ill hit you..with...a pillow...sh*t"
"Psh haha, you really dont remember, you got super drunk I took you home. Don't worry nothing happened. So chill." Steve gently puts the plate next to me.
I look up at him his dirty blond hair flops into his face i blush and look into his dark brown eyes. no Sara get a grip! you just got hurt..your alone now..i feel tears rush down my cheeks i gulp and cover my eyes.
"Oh sorry did I do something wrong?" steve asks I try to stop crying but I can't. Steve wraps his arms around me and holds me tight.
"I know Sara im sorry i looked though your phone. I was just worried" Steve says in a soft voice. I look up at him and he wipes my tears. I softly put my head on his shoulder then fall asleep. Steve smiles and puts me on the bed.
The light shines though the window onto my face. I grumble and put the blanket over my face. I peek my head out and smell something amazing my mouth waters. I get out and put on a onesie. I love saturdays, i walk out of my room and tie my hair up in a bun.
"Morning princess," Steve says happily
"Mor..nin" I mumble and sit at the table. Steve puts his stuff down and comes up behind me and hugs me. I flinch, shocked. Why in the world is he hugging me..wait last night...what did I say sh*t.
"Steve last night what did I ask you again?" i say nervously
"You asked if you could be my princess forever." Steve smiles in a way I've never seen anyone smile. pure happiness. My hands shake and my throat goes dry.
"Steve...look your really nice but. I cant date right now," I say softly
"what, why?" Steve asks
"Jackson!" i yell
"Oh hey babe" he says
"What are you doing! Get your hands off her! No don't you dare even touch me" I scream.
"Look it's not you, it's me...I just got out of a relationship and I'm not ready for a new one."
Steve nods then grabs his stuff and leaves. my heart drops and my whole body shakes. I don't know whether to cry or run after him. he's not bad like Jackson. but should I trust him...after what jackson did I...I don't know who to trust anymore.
I lay there for hours then I get up and change into shorts and a t-shirt. I walk to the bar again. No shocker there. I sit down with my head low. It's loud, there are too many people someone spills a beer on me. I stay low in my seat.
The sound of everyone makes me panic. my head throbs, I touch my head and see blood come off. Then just like that, I'm out cold.